Chapter five

Mulai dari awal

I awoke feeling the bed dip as someone sat down next to where I was lying, I assumed it was my brother thinking he must have got home sooner than he anticipated.  I felt a hand lightly cup my cheek rubbing the side of my face softly with a thumb.

“Quit it Andrew” I mumbled groggily trying to roll over.

I heard a deep sexy chuckle.

That definitely wasn’t my brother, my eyes shot open and I could just about make out Mr. Hendry staring down at me.  I felt my heart skip a beat as I realised he was in my bedroom in the dead of night.

“Wha-” I started but he cut me off by placing a finger on my lips.  He lowered his head down to my level and I stared into his deep chocolaty eyes.  His lips inched towards mine and I closed my eyes waiting to feel them against my own.  His lips touched mine and…it felt wrong, they felt cool, they felt slightly rougher than they did before, like fabric, like…a pillow?

My eyes shot open, the dazzling sunshine pouring in my window blinded me and made me squeeze them tight shut again.

I rolled over pressing my face into my pillow letting out a groan as reality sunk in. a dream, what else did I expect?


I walked into the classroom focussing hard on my shoes as I made my way to my chair at the back of the classroom.  Slumping down with a sigh I put my head in my arms on my desk, I wanted to put off looking into those now familiar hazel eyes for as long as possible after my dream.  I kept my head firmly down even when he started to teach, listening to his silky voice talking about something or other.  I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket a few times but ignored it, not wanting to give him an excuse to tell me off.

The lesson came to an end and as soon as the bell rang I shot through the door keeping my eyes firmly on the cheersluts back in front of me.

I reached the hallway feeling amazed that I had managed to get through a whole lesson without looking or speaking to him.  I slipped into the girls bathroom to check my appearance.  I hadn’t made as much of an effort as I usually did for school, dressing down for once.  I examined myself critically in the bathroom mirror, observing myself at every angle, I was wearing light blue skinny jeans paired with my favourite tatty old vans plimsolls and a cut off black libertines tee showing off a fraction of midriff.  My hair was piled up in a scruffy bun on top of my head and I had no make up on whatsoever.  I noticed I tended to dress according to my mood, and today’s outfit was definitely grungy.

I swiftly walked to the parking lot wanting to get home as soon as possible.  The weather had taken a turn for the worst and small droplets of rain where dripping down my kneck as I searched eagerly for my familiar red baby.  After a couple of minutes of searching I remembered that I hadn’t even driven in today we’d come in Becks’s car.  Boy I really wasn’t with it today!  Mentally scolding myself for being so forgetful I pulled my phone out of my pocket to ring her.

Noticing that I had a text from her I quickly opened the message;

[OLD VERSION] Game,Set,Match. (student/teacher)- Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang