Chapter 2

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~Karkat's POV~

You wake up at 6:37 am, its time for you to go job hunting. You've just found an apartment, who you have to share with some Asshole named Dave. Your dad gave you 5,000$ to start your life, then kicked you out of his house. You know that's a lot of money, but it wont last long, so you're looking for a job. You feel awkward sharing a apartment with a stranger but he looks painfully similar to someone you use to know, you can't quite remember who though. You're pretty sure you've never met him before.

You get out of your new bed and walk to your new closest. You grab a black long sleeve shirt with gray skinny jeans. Yes you're a guy wearing skinny jeans, nothing new. You quickly change your clothes.

*Time skip cuz I'm just not in the mood*

You drive into the yard of the one house, 3 bed roomed apartment. Parking your car, you walk to the house door, unlocking it with your key, the Dave guy gave you. You walk in and go straight to your room. At least, you have found a job, luck you guess. Though most of the time you only have bad luck.

You shut the door and undress so you're just in your pants and lay down on your bed, slipping your headphones on and put on some music. You slowly drift into a light dream.

~Dave's POV~

You walk into the apartment after getting home from your 2nd job. You have the day off from your 3rd, its only 10:00pm. You cut on the TV, laying on the couch and watch some good old, wipeout.

You always use to love that show when you were younger, you still watch it from time to time. You remember when you were 13 teen you kept signing up to be a contestant but all your applications got rejected. But you kept trying until you were 14 and half, you never gave up easy. Honestly that's the strider blood, there's no backing down when you want something, you just lost interest so you stopped applying to Be contestant on wipeout.

Suddenly you loss your thoughts because you hear whimpering coming from near your front door, you open it to find the cutest puppy ever. Its black lap looking pup, with big brown eyes. How can you not keep her? You have to, you pick up the pup and shut the door. First you need some sleep so you sleep on the couch with the pup, she lays behind your bent keens and you quickly fall asleep. Good thing you have all day off tomorrow.

((A/N I know its short, sorry. But here's another chapter. Glad to see someone reads it if not then whateves cuz I love it to death. ))

{477 words}

Love me,Hate me,Fuck me, IDC (Davekat)Where stories live. Discover now