A Friend's Appearance (Shera's Breakdown pt. 2)

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This is really awkward.
Having a mad bodyguard and a princess that is a klutz.

"Tch! You guys never gave me a chance!" I angrily said.
"WHAT DO YOU WANT? ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A FIGHT?! a Rageful Shera said. "Uhmmmm.... Nothing, nothing" a terrified me said.

"Calm down, Shera, we need to make a plan" Priscilla calmly said.

Come to think of it, this would the most tragic disasters I've ever seen. I have never seen a demon controlling a damn dragon.


"Dude, you should seriously calm down, being like that is hopeless" I said in a sudden.

Shera approached me, raising her sword.
"DIEEEE!" Shera said

"Oh, shit.... I'm dead"

"Stop right there, Shera" a lady said.

"B-BELFURA?!" Shera said in shocked. "Yo, it's been a while, Shera"

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 17, 2016 ⏰

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