62. Slip Up

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62. Slip Up: Write about making mistakes.

Everybody makes mistakes.

That doesn't mean they are any less painful to bear though.

A friend of mine made a big mistake recently. It cost her her marriage. It cost her her life as she knew it. I was wondering whether she could have prevented it and still remained the same person.

See, I made a huge mistake myself a few years ago. It changed me forever. I became more aware of the world, but I lost my innocent outlook. I wouldn't change who I became, because in many ways I improved and matured, but I wonder if I could achieved that maturity through some other way.

Mistakes have a strange way of molding us. There is something about being so totally wrong that alters our opinion on what right is. Especially in the stubborn ones, mistakes are almost necessary for character improvement.

In a way, bad choices are a background to good choices. Just as without dark, light wouldn't stand out, so it is with mistakes. Doing everything perfectly wouldn't be nearly as remarkable as doing one thing exceptionally well after a long string of failures.

Messing up is one of the worst feelings, because you have no one to shift the blame to. It's all you. But after a while... Things change. That is the one concrete principle of life: That it will change. And when your life starts to get better and you are happy, you look back and wonder if maybe that mistake was for the best. After all, it led to where you are now, and aren't you happy now?

The thing is, mistakes never lead to better. We will never know how our life would have gone had we not mad that one comment, done that one thing, not done that one thing -- But we do know how much pain it caused. Mistakes are never beneficial. You can make them into something that improves you, but by themselves, mistakes are not naturally good.

Yet we all screw up every once in a while. Maybe more than that. And there is only one solution: fix it as best as you can. When you break someone's something you don't just leave it -- or you shouldn't, anyway. You offer any repayment you are capable of, because it was your fault and you have to own up to it.

People don't admit they're wrong without a fight. The struggle to be right will rage inside of them. It's a beast called pride, and it is one of the most powerful of the foul creatures that fight for dominance within us. Pride doesn't like to lose, and lucky for it it is strong enough to put forth a good fight.

But any task is started at the beginning. To be forgiven, you have to say sorry.

Mistakes can be prevented. Just like an illness, there are ways to lesson the chances of a mistake. Also just like an illness... sometimes it will come whatever you do, because we are human, snd we get sick and commit acts of stupidity. It simply is.

A/N: Yes. That is the song.

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