Chapter 6: The End

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                         "What exactly is your genius plan Pan?" at this point I was willing to do anything to save her, Robin and I are still not on the best terms, and I know for sure Snow and Charming hate my guts right now. "Well when people die in the Underworld, they go to this sort of Purgatory jail, if we can go and get Emma out in time, we can save her. If we don't get her out in time, she's damned to eternity here." I couldn't believe what I was hearing, "So we have to go save Emma from Hell Purgatory?" I asked him. "Well Regina, all of the people you are with right now aren't very happy with you right now, I'm trying to help you. So I suggest coming with me." With that he snapped his fingers and we were in a hot dark room. "Be careful their are traps everywhere, and you can't see where you are going either." I walked dodging all of the traps I could, we walked in silence for awhile. "Careful Gina, landmine!" Pan said with a laugh as he pushed me out of the way right into Robin arms. I missed being in his arms, and if we all make it out of this alive I hope he will forgive me. "Alright, I don't think they will be excpecting us because I think the last thing they would think of is me being a traitor, that's right I'm being a traitor to save you guys, your welcome." A collective "Thanks Pan." Went through the group but it sounded rather gloomy and sarcastic. When we finally got to two huge doors, we opened them and on the other side extreme heat hit us. A huge cage lined with fire sat in the middle of the room, with Emma and, Hook? In the cage. Only Hook was unconcious and Emma was awake. "Regina, Mom, Dad, the Hook thats there its not Hook you need to go, you need to save yourselves theirs no getting me out of here." I was confused, not Hook? "What do you mean other Hook?" Emma looked like she was going to faint, and then she did. "I get it now, I see what they are doing." It was Robin that spoke. "What do you mean Robin, what do you get?" "When I was trapped by Zelena in the tower, before I passed out I saw your face. But when I awoke hanging over the clock tower you were tied up and knocked out." It all made sense now. "Before I passed out in my office I saw Zelena, when one of us is asleep or passed out they can turn into us!" Just then we were trapped by a ring of fire and landmines. Emma and Hook were standing outside the ring of fire, but it wasn't Emma and Hook it was, "Hello Zelena, hello Hades." I said with a sneer. "Oh dear sister who would've known you and Robbie would be the brains of the group." Zelena said as she turned back into Zelena and Hades back into Hades. "Zelena let us out of here!" I screamed. "Oh that's cute you think your getting out of this alive." Hades said, as Zelena laughed along. The ring of fire closed in on us and I could feel the heat increasing, but I couldn't move anywhere without setting of a landmine. "Don't move sis, I don't want things to get messy, more cleaning for me." Her laugh seared through my soul. I decided to forget about her and make amends with everyone else. "Snow, Charming, i'm sorry for getting us into this mess, i'm sorry for essentially killing Emma." "Robin, oh Robin, i'm so so sorry for killing Marian back in the Enchanted Forest, I didn't know what I was doing, and I thought I was a changed woman now, but I guess I'm really not. I still ended up killing a loved one even today, I hope you can forgive me in these final moments we have together." I started to cry at that, I couldn't control myself, even in my final moments all the people I ever cared about would think I was a monster. "Regina, I'm so sorry I put you through that, I forgive you, your not a monster, your the best woman I ever met, I gave you a second chance, I told you I'd never leave and I'm sticking to that promise, I will be here loving you even in our final moments together." I cried into him, as Zelena snickered, and the flames engulfed us.

            I was still alive, I couldn't see anything, but I was still alive. Where was I? Oh Regina, you still have your eyes closed, but what will I see when I open my eyes? I decided to open them, and I saw my bedroom, I could smell fire like a crisp smell. Was this some sort of twisted hell where I could recognize where I was but still smell my death? That's when I heard my family, Robin, Roland, and Henry, were the faint voices I could hear from downstairs. I went down the stairs, to see Robin cooking breakfast, and Roland and Henry drinking OJ. Thank God, Regina it was just a dream, but what was the dream all about? Was it a sign? A sign that I needed to tell him about what I did to Marian? I realized I was just standing in the stairs so I finally spoke. "Hi guys, breakfast smells great!" Rolands face lit up to see me standing there and Robin turned around from making the pancakes to smile at me. "Gina!" Roland screamed as he ran to hug me. "Hi Roland, how are you this morning?" "Good Gina!" Robin turned around and put the plates down in front of us, "Morning M'lady," he said as he gave me a kiss, a long kiss. Henry covered Roland eyes, and when we finally finished we laughed all together. I ate breakfast with my family, just like it was supposed to be. Sign or no sign that dream showed me one thing, this was my family, this is where I was meant to be.

                                                                       The End...


And that's the end to my story, I hope you liked this story if you are reading this right now! 

I have another story I am currently working on, so you can go over to my page now and read the other one! 

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