Chapter 3: The Traitor

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And with that she was gone, "What the hell Regina, what happened" Robin asked me. "Well my mother likes you." Before I could continue Robin sat down and invited me over as well, "Come sit Regina, I don't think we will have any visitors for awhile, unless of course we want a whole family reunion." I sat down next to him and we cuddled for a bit, all was right with the word and we fell asleep. "Wake up my sleepy sister" I was startled awake only to see Zelena, of course she was here. Where was Robin? "Zelena where the hell is Robin?" "How should I know when I got here you were sleeping on this couch right here, no Robin in sight." she said with a smirk. "Why don't I believe you, why don't I ever believe you?" She sat down next to me, "Well you should because I'm telling you the truth, and what I do know is that Hades was here.." I thought for a bit, did Hades take Robin? Where was Emma and Hook, where were the others? "Did Hades take everyone, are you just a distraction?" I saw Zelena swipe her hand and with that I was out. "Do you think she suspects me?" I heard a voice say. "No she is gullible you should be fine." That was Zelena's voice but the other voice was male and I couldn't make out who it was. Probably Hades, resisting the urge of wanting to listen for more I fell back asleep. "Regina, Regina my love wake up." It was Robin thank god Robin was here. "Robin your back I woke up and Zelena was here and you were gone and she knocked me out with magic." He interrupted me, "Regina none of that ever happened I've been here the whole time and you've been sleeping in my arms the whole time." "It can't be possible Robin I heard her talking to a male about not suspecting them, it wasn't you was it?" He sat up and held me, "Regina I would never hurt you or betray you, I think you had a bad dream." He kissed me and Hades stormed in, my god we can never get 2 seconds alone here. "Forest, Gina. Savior  is with her parents and Hook." Thank god Emma at least found Hook. "Well can we go see them?" Robin asked. "Yes forest lets go!" Hades snapped his fingers and we were at Granny's with everyone else and there I saw Hook. "You guys were supposed to meet us at Granny's but you got, sidetracked. Really Hades really? I walked over with Robin to Emma and Hook. Hook looked different and I assumed he would be. But I knew this couldn't be that easy, I knew Hades wouldn't just let us waltz out with Hook. "Emma, Hook how are you two lovebirds?" I asked. "Good Regina, Hook how are you?" Emma replied to me. "Good Regina, are you and Robin doing ok?" He said with a wink. I walked away, then I realized that voice, the one that I heard after Zelena knocked me out. It wasn't Robin and it wasn't Hades, it was Hook. They weren't talking about me being fooled, they were talking about Emma. I debated whether or not to tell her but she looked so happy. She was hugging Hook and they were laughing together like nothing ever happened, but that wasn't the real Hook and it sickened me. I decided to tell Robin, I found him talking to Charming. "Do you mind if I steal Robin from you for a second?" I didn't wait for him to answer and I pulled Robin outside Granny's. "Robin, remember when I said I heard that voice, when Zelena knocked me out?" He nodded, "It wasn't you, I thought it was Hades, but it's Hook!" "Are you sure about this Regina?" I could hear the doubt in his voice, "I'm positive Robin it was his voice, they weren't talking about me they were talking about Emma!" We sat down at an outside table "This isn't the Killian we know then?" Robin asked. "Definitely not, and we have to tell Emma." That's when Emma and Hook walked out of Granny's, I pulled Robin into a bush with me, "Shhh" I whispered to him. I listened to their conversation. "Do you want to go back to my place?" Hook asked. "Why not, this party is kinda lame." Emma laughed "Let me just let my parents know first." She said. Hook grabbed her in a rather violent way, "Do you think your father is going to approve of you going over to my house? You know how he is." She came back to him, "Your right lets go." I jumped out and screamed and Robin pointed his bow, but it was too late. With a snap of his fingers the two of them were gone, and we had no way to trace them, or help Emma now.

I'm all about these cliffhangers 😂

I hope you liked Chapter 3!!

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