Chapter 2: Storybrooke?

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Hi guys I don't really like the whole switching between POVs so I'm just going to keep it Reginas POV thanks I hope your ok with that

Robin pulls me into the portal, a great flash of light and the voices stop. Robin is holding me and I see Emma and Snow and Charming. It looks like we are in the woods, in StoryBrooke?
"Are we back in StoryBrooke?" I asked. "It seems like it, but how is that possible?" Emma said. A flash of blue smoke appears and we are greeted by another man. He is pale and has a tuxedo on, his hair is blue and glows like a.. Blowtorch? I laugh at loud at the thought, "What's so funny miss Regina?" I jump and Robin stands in front of me and holds me. "And who the hell exactly are you, talking to my wife like that?" Robin defended me. The blowtorch man continued, "Chill out forest, remember it was you who waltzed on in here on my  territory." Emma tried to talk and Charming pointed his gun but with a swipe of blowtorches hands we were all frozen. "Now maybe you will listen." He continued "You are on my territory the Underworld, my name is Hades and I know why all of  you are here."  He unfreezes us and I get worried. "Now let's not do anything stupid here and no one has to get hurt" he said. "Gina and Savior with me right now, all the rest of you stay here." Emma looked at me and I looked at Robin, Hades was waiting very impatiently. "I'm not going to let Regina out of my sight, if you take her you take me too." Robin spoke up rather bravely. "Fine forest, you, me, Savior, and Gina." I was hesitant but having Robin their made me feel better. Emma walked ahead next to Hades, I could see she didn't trust him completely, but neither did I. Robin held my hand as we walked through the forest of what looked exactly like Storybrooke, except not. I couldn't put my finger on what was different about it, but something was. After a long silence Robin whispered to me, "I know these forests better then this guy does, it seems like we are taking a route through the forest, to get to the Mayor's office." he said with a concerned tone. "You mean he's leading us to my office, why through the woods?" I was interrupted, "Why the forest you ask, well because if they see us on the streets your all dead." Hades said matter of factly. Emma stopped dead in her tracks, "What the hell is the big idea here, I just want Killian back." Hades turned around and gave Emma a glare, the worst glare I've ever seen. "Listen Savior," He spat "I run this place as when I say you will see pirate you will see him." He continued walking until I recognized where we were. "This is right by my office now how are we sneaking in there without these," I hesitated, "freaks?" But I didn't know if that was the right thing to say, more like these lost souls. They seemed miserable like, brainwashed animals. "Well Gina, we don't need to walk we have magic." Before I could ask him why we walked all this way if he could get us there magically he had already waved his hand and we were in my office. Well more like outside of my office. "Well go on in, you and forest that is, I'll take Savior to Pirate and we'll meet at Grannys when we are done." Go in? What does he mean? Why do I need to go in? "Oh," he continued "If you get to Granny's before us order me a grilled cheese, will you?" Before I could tell him to go to hell they were already gone. "So should we go in Ms. Mayor?" Robin said with a laugh. This is the first time we got to be alone since we got here, before I could suggest it Robin pulled me into a kiss. It felt so good and I missed it, but the feeling was short lived. "Excuse me, I hate to interrupt daughter." I fainted but Robin caught me. "Cora?" I gasped out. "Oh please Regina call me mother." I could feel the world going black again. "Dear dear, the best you could do was the forest trash?" With a swish Robin was frozen. "Mother, let him go, your not going to take him from me like you did Daniel." She laughed "Come child, let us have a chat, you are in danger here, take Robin and go back to Storybrooke." she honestly sounded concerned. "Why do you care about my well being, and Robins?" She turned and patted me on the shoulder, "I care about you because I don't want you and Robin damned here like I am, and besides, he's hotter then Daniel was." She laughed at her own joke for awhile. "Take my warning, leave with Robin before its too late, and my God leave before your sister shows up." I almost passed out again, "Zelena is here? She's not dead? What mother I banished her to Oz." she was already half way into the process of casting her spell to leave, she snapped her fingers and Robin was unfrozen. "Ta ta for now darling, bye Robin!" and with that she was gone. 


So yea that was that, I hope you liked chapter 2!

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