His mouth is still over mine, his stubble digging into the flesh around my lips. The piercing clinks against my teeth, so I try to rip it out. I can't quite get it situated between my front teeth, though, and the movement of my mouth only seems to encourage Anders.

He drops my right arm and fumbles his fingers into the gap between our waists. My arms are still not in ideal defensive positions, and he's far too heavy, but I know I have to get away from him or this is really going to happen.

I twist my fingers into his hair and pull as hard as I can. Anders just laughs and slides the hand over my breast up to clutch my throat. Instinct kicks in again. My left arm is still wedged between us, so my right loosens my hold on his hair, clawing to free my neck instead.

I feel his finger against my skin just below my bellybutton and I know it's over. The edges of my vision have started fading, but I'm glad. I don't want to be conscious for what happens next.

Then Anders flies off me and I've dropped to the floor. I blink a few times and choke on my rapid breaths, but my vision clears and I see Briar holding Anders by the throat now. Anders's head and upper body are pressed dangerously far over the stair rail.

Hejae stands a few steps above us, watching the scene with that detached expression.

"What's going on here?" His voice is so casual, one would think he was asking about the weather.

"She wanted it." Anders's face is turning red, and he's glaring at Briar.

"I should throw you over right now." Briar spits the words at him. I've never seen Briar this angry, not even when I'd hit him. I'm almost afraid for Anders.


"Now, Briar, don't be dramatic." Hejae takes a step down. "There's nothing wrong with a little consensual fun."

Briar whips his head to glare at Hejae as I massage my throat. Surely Hejae doesn't think there was anything consensual about this?

"Nadia, did you want to have sex with this young man?" Hejae says, his voice still annoyingly neutral.

"No!" I try to shout, but the word merely rasps out.

"Ah well." Hejae shrugs. "Mistakes can be made. Intentions misinterpreted. Understandable in this particular case."

Hejae's eyes have hardened now, giving away his true feelings. But it's not me he directs his superior smile to, but Briar.

"Let him go, Briar."

Briar hesitates, then slowly eases off of Anders. Just before releasing him, Briar leans closer. "If I see you near her again, I don't care how pure your intentions, I will throw you over the railing without a thought. Wouldn't be the first time a recruit has cracked under the pressure and jumped to their deaths. No one would question it."

He waits until Anders has rounded the stairs up to the next floor before turning to Hejae. "And if you let something like this happen to your recruits again, Ritter will hear about it."

Briar pushes past Hejae to go upstairs. Maybe to make sure Anders really does go all the way up to his room.

Hejae shakes his head.

"That Briar is so over reactive." He eyes me for a moment. "I told you your beauty wouldn't do you any favors in here. Nice try with the braids, but you're not fooling anyone. And maybe next time, help won't be so close. You should go home the first chance you get."

Hejae steps onto his floor, leaving me huddled on the top stair of the landing. His words repeat through my mind on a continuous loop. Not fooling anyone. Go home. Next time.

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