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African Poaching Crisis

Do you feel like poaching is ok? I certainly don't. Three elephants get slaughtered every hour! Many animals are sliced opened for their fur, skin and bones. The African animals will be poached into extinction as soon as the year 2025. Unless we put a stop to this now! Rhinos have survived the ice age and rampant hunting eras of the past, the question now is- how will they survive us?

Firstly, wouldn't you like future generations to witness the animal kingdom as we have? In the not too distant future many different animal species will be wiped of this planet! I find this absolutely disgusting! I would like future generations to witness these animals as we have and not have to see their bones in museums, amongst dinosaurs.
I sometimes think of extinct animals like the mammoth and the dinosaurs and wonder what they would be like. Personally I think the future generations shouldn't have to look back on the elephants and wonder what they'd be like. I'd want them to witness the same animal kingdom every single one of us have. How would it be fair to them? Its not their fault. It's ours. Our late ancestors have seen every beauty of the wild but our children might never be able to. We live in a world that is rotting around us. These animals don't deserve to get slaughtered and left for dead. Why do they? Because their a threat? A danger to humans? We're the victims? They have as much as a right to be here as us. The only difference is we are the killers.
These animals shouldn't be torn apart for there skin and bones. They should be alongside us in the future where our children will witness these animals as we have.

Furthermore, I believe no living creature should be tortured the way these animal's are. Is it really fair to treat these animals like this? Have them ripped limb from limb and left for dead? It's inhumane the way people treat these animals and for what? Money? It's barbarous the actions humans take towards these animals! Is slitting open an animal really ok? An estimated 23,000 elephants were illegally slaughtered in 2006 simply so the ivory can be ripped from their jaws and sold on the black market. That's a disgustingly big amount! And that does not include all the other species of the animal kingdom that are poached. If we were given a choice would we choose to be brutally murdered? No! Ofcourse not. The only difference is we have a voice. Animals don't. They don't deserve to be tortured and put through indescribable pain.

Starved. Weak. Lacking vitamins and fats. Animal extinction is a great threat to mankind. If we don't put a stop to this now, and in the future the animals do get extinct, how will we survive? How will we survive? By the end of the century half of all species will be extinct. Does that matter? We need meat to survive, we need protein, we need meat for optimum health, we need bee's, milk and calcium. If some animals are nearly extinct now, how long will it take before it turns into a major global crisis? How long would it take for the poaching crisis to reach your country and wipe away your nations wild animals. When will people decide this has gone too far? When will people put a stop to this? When will we stop slaughtering these animals and actually try to preserve them? Five great extinction events have reshaped earth in cataclysmic ways in the past 439 million years, each one wiping out between 50 and 95 per cent of the life of the day, including the dominant life forms. Today we're living through the sixth great extinction! and we are the catalyst!

Many reasons exist for poaching animals, more so endangered animals, some of these reasons are: Food, Medicine, Sport, Damaging crops, Attacking people etc. Overpopulation is a huge problem as herbivores will compete for the same plant species, causing scarcity, or wiping out the plant species entirely. Herbivores will damage the earth and dispose of crops. Overpopulated animals wreak havoc on the ecosystem and surrounding landscape. The food chain, waterways and land are affected. Animal overpopulation threatens to change the entire make-up of an ecosystem. By hunting these animals the animals stays in control and don't try and fight with each other for food. Overpopulation often cause deer's to spread out of there habitats to cities where they cause damage and get ran over crossing roads. By hunting animals it keeps a good balance. So there are reasons why hunting animals is good, but I'm not convinced.

In conclusion poaching is wrong and people should try harder to stop it! Humans hunt excessive amounts and many animals continue to get brutally slaughtered. Many animals will become extinct as soon as the year 2025. How could anyone stand by and watch it happen? I think future generations should witness them as we have. No living creature should get tortured the way the animal's do. The animals extinction will effect everyone. We make our future and with our help, we can stop the extinction! What future do you belong in? One with our animals? Or one without?







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