The Night of The Ball

Start from the beginning

The two looked over the edge, of course there's a lot of places to see Paris from up above. But while the sun was setting, that was when it was the prettiest.

Marinette stared out at the setting sky. The normal blue had fade into an elegant purple, a fiery red melted into a soft orange just above the sun, and stars were appearing just above them. Like spots in the sky.

Adrien leaned against the railing a smile slowly spreading across his face. He let out a breath of aw as he stares up at the sky.

"I won't ever get used to this view."

Adrien said, glancing over at Marinette. She shook her head. Not taking her eyes off the sun even once.


The party had been going for hours and Marinette and Adrien were still talking on the balcony.

The moon and the stars shining down on the two like a spotlight.

"I can't believe we actually have to start picking a college to go to."

Adrien said, anxiety in his voice. Adrien was always scared to go to college. Even thought he was desperate to leave his current home, Adrien just didn't keno what he wanted to do with his life.

Marinette was different, she smiled brightly at the thought of pursuing her dreams of being a fashion designer.

"Well me and Alya are going to The Art Institute of France. You shou do come too! Your a great model."

Marinette said putting her hand on his shoulder.

Adrien sighed and held her hand there with his.

"My father is the one forcing me to model, I don't want to be forced to so that the rest of my life."

Marinette sighed, she had always known Adrien to be a happy outgoing kinda guy. To see him fret about his future hurt her.

"What about photography? Have you ever thought about that? I mean you always talk abut how you love Paris' views. Just imagine capturing that view in a single picture."

She said holding her fingers up to make a frame around the moon and the stars.

Adrien's face lit up a little. He smiled at the thought

"Woah, I never thought of that. I-I think that's a great idea."

Marinette turned to him with a hopeful smile.

"Thank you."


It was almost time for ladybug and chat noir to come. Marinette checked the time

"10:36, ladybugs arrival is at 10:45. I better get going"

Marinette thought. She turned her oboe. Off and stick in it her pocket. She smiled nervously up at Adrien

"Hey uh, Chat noir and Lasybug will be here soon and j need to get a video for Alya. I'm gonna head downstairs."

Adrien looked down at his phone

"O-oh, I forgot about that yeah. Uhm
I'll stay up here for a little longer."


Adrien rushed into the bathroom and closed the stall.

"Plagg, you good to transform?"

Plagg groaned as he floated or of Adriens jacket

"I need cheeeeeeeeesssseeeee"

Adrien rolled his eyes and took the small tin can of Camembert out of his pocket.

"Eat quickly."

"Fine fine I'll hurry, jeeze"

While Plagg was regenerating, Marinette had already transformed and was making her way into the crowd. As soon as she enters the room people were automatically freaking out


"I love you Ladybug!"

"Your my hero!"

Is all she heard as she walked through the crowd an onto the stage.

When she was up in stage she pulled out her yoyo and swung it beside her.

"Thank you! Thanks you all!"

Ladybug said waving at the crowd.

"I wonder where Chat is."


Hey! Thanks for reading my fanfiction! If you could please leave a comment😉 Also I'm sorry this chapter is so long😂😁

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