Life is but a Dream

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I woke up in a police car, and it was dark. I looked out the window, and noticed that we, as in the police car and I, were at the hospital.
Wow, these cops are dumb. They didn't bother to take me to jail first.
Then it all came back to me, it just hit me. I just murdered my teacher, she's going to fail me now.
My thoughts were interrupted when the car door was opened. I heard a male voice ask if I was awake. I told it yes, then went back to thinking about today's previous event.
I can't believe I actually did it, not that I'm proud, but still...
I must have spaced off, because next thing I knew, I was being dragged out of the car. The entire city must've known, because there were news reporters, and cameras everywhere. One lady even tried stopping us to ask me a question.
Wow, I can't believe everyone knows.
We entered the building, and an orange jumpsuit, and a pair of white socks were thrown at me.
"Where's my trial" I demanded," I may not know much about the law, but I think it says that I should get a trial!"
"You don't get one, because everyone knows that you did it. Theres no trial needed to prove you're guilty Cecelia." The man leading me stated.
Fair enough, I mean, I can't argue with that, I was covered in blood.
We entered this white little room, with one bed, and he told me to sit, then he left, and locked the door.
While sitting there, I started thinking of a saying someone told me when I was younger.
It went some like" if nothing ever changed, we wouldn't have butterflies."
That saying really stuck with me throughout life, even though I never really took the time to ever think about what it meant. I also started thinking about this lullaby my mother used to sing to me when I was just a child. I could never remember the ending to it, no matter how hard I thought about it. It goes something like this
"Row row row your boat"
"Gently down the stream"
"Merrily merrily merrily merrily"

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