Chapter 1 Night 1

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I don't own Five Nights at Freddy's. I only own Ruby.

Chapter 1

Night 1

Ruby sat staring at the phone open-mouthed. Slowly her brain started working again and she picked up the tablet carefully.

"So...Let me get this straight...I'm going to sit here, in this room with a limited power supply waiting for the animatronics to come and attempt to stuff me into an animatronic suit which will most likely kill me." she stated, blankly staring at the phone.

The fan whirred on in the background while this information settled in her brain.

"Forget. That." she growled, a scowl darkening her face.

She unplugged the tablet and stood up, quickly flicking through the cameras. Any doubt that this was a prank was quickly squashed as she noticed the suspicious absence of Bonnie on the stage.

"So, the rabbit's the first one to move." she slipped the tablet into her backpack and slung it over her shoulder.

Luckily, Ruby wasn't one to show up to any job unprepared and since this was a security guard job she had brought along one of her favourite tools. She rested the steel baseball bat against her left shoulder. Yeah it was simple and blunt but with a good arm behind it, it could cause more than enough damage.

After this shift she might need to introduce pretty little Betty to her new manager's face for leaving out this minor detail.

However the more pressing matter at hand was the robot rabbit wandering around.

She checked the tablet. Was the closet? Ruby stifled a laugh.

"Hey Bonnie, I know people mistake you for a girl a lot what with the name and all but are you trying to tell me something?" She snickered to herself.

For a moment she could have sworn that she heard a girlish giggle echo from behind her but when she looked she didn't see anything.

"Hmmm." she mused to herself before shaking her head.

It was, after all, time for some rabbit hunting. Ruby smirked a tad sadistically. They weren't going to know what hit them.

Behind her a golden bear suit materialized and watched the girl practically stalk out of the room. This was...interesting. Goldy had watched a lot of guards listen to that recording and seen a lot of reactions as a result. Anger, terror, shock, even amusement if they thought it was a joke. However she had never seen anyone take it as a challenge.

She thought about what she'd seen of the teenager so far.

The girl strolled into the office dressed in a black t-shirt, black jeans, black boots and a black leather jacket.

Goth much?

Goldy smirked to herself. Looked like the fifteen year old was just another 'rebellious teen' type. She'd seen enough of them in this job already. They usually chickened out early though, generally right after the first night.

As the new night guard settled at her desk she pushed some of her long, black hair out of her face as she flicked through the cameras on the tablet. Her intense green eyes snapped up however at the sound of the phone ringing.

"Damn, they've got to be drunk or seriously mentally handicapped if they think a children's pizza place is open at twelve o' clock at night." She shook her head as she stood up to answer it.

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