Chapter 2 :Kohona

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After they pass the secret passage way .
They ran into a village of Kohona.
Kohona is a human village,and it's just near the outskirts of the mystical forest.
Kohona's Lord or Lady Ophelia is a kind hearted person.
But kohona is still not safe for them,Because many people who lived in kohona hunts their kind.
But lucky for them,The first person they found is Lady Ophelia .
Ophelia is a friend of Queen Erica,They know each other when they were 6years old.
Ophelia Let them stay at her house.
*Princess wakes up*
Princess??? :Who am i ,What happened?
Erica : Oh you're awake,I am your mother erica and your name is mika.
Mika: Then who is she?
Erica :She's your sister kira.
Kira :(But my lady)*she wispered*
Mika :How long did i slept?
Erica :It has been a week since you slept.
Miku :Mother why did i slept a week?
Erica :Because you had a high fever for a week my child please go back to sleep.
Mika :Yes.
*Mika goes back to sleep*
*Erica using somekind of magic to mika*
Kira :Master what are you doing?
Erica :I am sealing her memories.
Kira : Wait Erica, don't tell me you will seal her memories forever?
Erica : Don't worry kira i won't seal her memories forever, I am just using a temporary spell.
Kira : But how long will the spell last?
Erica iam not sure how long will the spell last, It may last for for years but the spell might wore off at any time.
Kira : What will happen if the spell wore off?
Erica :If the spell wore off tyen she will remember everything.
Kira : I will do my best to protect the princess, our only hope.
Erica : *smiles*
*Next Day*
*In mika's room*
Mika: *Screams *
Mika : Mother,There's a fire *She cries*.
Erica :*Extinguishes the fire with magic*
Mika : mother why do i have five fox tails and a pair of fox ears? And did i do that? Mother what are we?
Erica :We are not humans, we are ninetales a royal kind of fox people.(yokai fox)
Mika : Ninetales? But why do i have 5 .
Erica : Because you're too young and you are only 10, you will grow several tails when you come to the right age.*She shows her ears and tails*
Mika : Umm...Mother how old are you when your tails became 9?
Erica : I was 2,000 plus when my tails became nine.
Mika : Mother how old are you?0-0
Erica : Huh? It's a secret.*she smiles*
Mika : Mother how could i control my powers and how can i hide my ears and tails?
Erica : You will stay inside your room and i will teach you how, If you learn fast you can go outside.
*Erica trained mika for a month.Then mika learned how to control her powers and how to hide her tails and ears.

Sorry i publish it late bucause i am so busy.😺

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