Chapter 6

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After an hour of walking, we stumble upon a neighborhood, there are zombies little around here and there but not much

Heck, all we know the zombies are waiting inside the house

We stopped in front of a house with the front door wide open

"I'll check this house, you can check the house next door" i suggested, walking towards the house only to be pulled back

"We go in together, or we dont go in at all" he growled at me

"Umm... it'd be faster if we go separate ways" i said my eyebrows coming together

What's his problem?

"Separate ways?"

I shivered when i saw the protectiveness and possessiveness passed through his eyes

And it was the good kind of shiver

"Down boy, i've been years on my own, i done this before, id be fine" i said

He looked me in the eyes before reluctantly letting my upper arm go, before i can walk away, he leans down and brushes his lips against mine, in the most softest touch

"Be careful, yell out if you need me" and with that he turned and walked to the house next door

Oh i need you all right, i blushed when dirty thoughts entered my mind, i shook my head and walked towards the house

Come on Angel, lets just find something useful

I creeped in the house and use my ears but didn't hear nothing, I check the kitchen for food, knives, anything really

The only thing I found was forks and spoons, I took them anyway I walked into the living room and rummage through the drawers and once again found nothing I blew out a breath of frustration and went towards the steps skipping two at a time

I entered the first room to my left, which gives me a view of this once beautiful neighborhood now there's blood all over the streets I ripped my eyes from the view and searched the room

And found.........nothing

Ugh.......damn it

I stomped my way to another room and another room

I swung the last door and searched the room I looked out the window to see Hades in the other house window, I walked up towards the window pulled it open

"Hades!" I yelled through the window, i saw his body tense and he whipped his head over my way his eyes raking my body to see if there were any injuries he walked over to the window and shoved it open

"What the fuck Angel" He said harshly

"What?" i said confused, why is he mad

"Why are you yelling" he growls

"You told me to yell if i need you"

I dont understand

"Your not in danger, yell if your in danger damn it!" He says running his hand threw his hair

"Oh, but i had something to tell you" i said getting excited

"What is it" he says his eyes softening

"Hello there neighbor" i laughed

His eyes hardened and I saw him outstretch his hand for something, which happens to be a pillow and threw it so hard that actually crossed a couple of feet separating the houses

I ducked down then peeked back up just in case he wanted to throw something else at me

"God, what the fuck am i going to do with you"

"Im just gonna search some more" i said

"Yeah, you do that"

I turned around and scanned the room this must have been the Masters bedroom, I searched all over the place and found nothing useful, I leaned against the shelves and let my eyes scan the mess I made to check if I missed anything, out of the corner of my eye I see a picture of a beautiful family and they were laughing as a little girl stuff her face with cake you can see the love pouring out the parents face, I'll quickly grab the photo and carefully place it down as i was about to walk away when the shelves opened

The shelves slid to the side slowly.....

Of course!!! I screamed in my head, i looked inside and saw the mother load

There were guns,knives, grenades, first aid kit, cans of food, and ammo

Im not even gonna think about why its here

I did my happy dance, which was bending my knees and shaking my booty with my hands behind my head

I heard a groan and stopped my happy dance, i jumped and quickly turned around, i stumbled when i saw Hades behind me, i put my hand to my heart

"You scared me" i whined

"Dont mind me, keep going" he said and boldly readjusting himself in front of me, i blushed and looked away, stepping to the side to show Hades what i found

"I f-found this" i said stuttering, pointing towards the mother load, he walks to the secret place i just found

"God job sugar" he said pecking my lips

I narrowed my eyes at him, why does he keep kissing me

"I found car keys, it belongs to a truck-"

"Why are you kissing me?" i asked

"I wasn't kissing you" he says looking into my eyes

I scrunched my nose, is he serious right now?

Out of the blue his hand gripped the back of my head and brought my lips to his, he brought his other hand up cupping my face, i shook out of my shock and kissed him back
He tastes amazing, his tounge licked the seam of my lips, demanding me to let him in and of course i did, i opened my lips and let his tounge explore my mouth, i gently touched my tounge to his, inviting him to play, he groaned in my mouth, his hand moving down my face and towards my hips where he pulled me flushed against him

I pulled back needing air, wow, i never done that before

"That was me kissing you" he said pecking my lips twice more, before grabbing the stuff that i found, i grabbed the rest blushing

I cant believe i just did that!!

Hades took us out the house and towards the truck he found it was a new model four door black truck

We dodged zombies, well Hades dodges them as he pulled me along by the loop of my jeans, he opened the back door and threw all the stuff in the back,I notice there are some other things already in there

We both got in and Hades started up the engine

"Next destination, Earth hevan"


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