Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight: Paris 

"I feel like a freaking elephant sat on me and rubbed it's butt on my face," Cassie complained the next day, rubbing her face with her hand. 

I chuckled, "It's dog shit that you slept on Cassie." 

Her face turned pale and horrified, "WHAT?!" 

"Just kidding," I chuckled but then winced at the pain I felt on my back. 

Blue and Hottie looked at us with an amused expression the whole time since we woke up because Cassie and I have been complaining about how hard the rock was or how I feel like a truck ran me over twice then repeated the process all over again. 

I'm glad I could amuse them. 

Stupid boys. 

"We're so going to go back today," Cassie groaned, "I feel like shit." 

Hottie chuckled, "I thought you two wanted the rocks?" 

Cassie and I glared at him. We wanted to sleep on the rock, alright, but only because we thought it was going to be comfortable. Turns out the ground was more comfortable. 

Gosh, why am I so clueless? 

"Let's go," I said, stiffly standing up. My back ached like a b*tch and my neck felt like it had been stepped on by a damn elephant! 

It was horrible!! 

"Where are we going?" Blue asked, standing up with Hottie. 

"We're continuing up North," I told him, "If we get lost again then at least the poor animals won't die of hunger." 

"Are you trying to lead us to our own dead!?!" Cassie asked, sounding tired yet angry. 

"No, I'm just saying that there might be people living up North that could help us." 

"Alright then. Lead the way, Miss Smarty." 

Rolling my eyes, I slung my backpack over my shoulder before starting my long journey to hell. 


Five Hours Later: 

"I swear, Vie, I'm going to kill you once we leave this stupid place!!" Cassie yelled, struggling to free herself from some Indian looking dude. He looked cute. Too bad he's kidnapping us. 

I guess Miss Karma is really a b*tch after all. 

Oh well. 

I smiled sweetly at her and replied, "I know you will, Sandy. You always do, I'm deeply hurt." 

I feigned a sniff and glanced with teary eyes at the four guys surrounding us, one of them holding me with my hands tied behind my back. 

In order for us to keep off the radar (otherwise known as un-identified) we came up with random names to call each other. Obviously, Blue and Hottie's name wasn't Hottie and Blue instead we called Blue, Luke, and Hottie, Keith, I became Vie and Cassie became Sandy, you know that four eye squirrel (what the hell was it?) from Sponge Bob (How is it even spelled?)? Yeah, her. 

Cassie wasn't offended at all when I called her four eyes, she actually called me a b*tch and said that once we leave this place, she's never ever again going anywhere with me. 


Did you note the sarcasm? Obviously not, your brain's working slow today, isn't it? Don't be afraid to admit it, mine's too but I'm in the middle of being kidnapped and probably killed while you're not so you're safe. 

Lucky you. 

The guys started speaking a weird language and I tried my hardest to at least figure out if it was Spanish or Italian (since I knew some basics of those languages) but I couldn't - for the life of me - tell which one it was. They were speaking so fast that at the end, I was left with: 

What the fuck are they saying? 

Cassie watched them carefully as did Hottie and Blue but not me. No, sir... or ma'am if you're a girl. I was just trying to figure out what type of language they were speaking but it was nothing that I could understand without saying something else and embarassing myself. It was all like, Blah-di-blah-bo-ha-nu-ah-li... 

It didn't make sense! 

Me, not being the patient person that people expected, snapped at them. 

"What the hell are you idiots saying!?!" 

Loud chatters and then.. Nothing. 

They didn't even stopped their conversation to even glance at me. I raised an eyebrow towards their direction before raising my foot and kicking the one that was still holding me in his shin. He let out a loud gasp while I smiled proudly.

Almost instantly, his friends heard the noise and turned towards me and their friend that was now on the floor, clutching his... little man. Their eyes widened in shock before one stepped up and glared at me with such hatred that I intantly regretted hurting his friends little friend. 

Grabbing me, Cassie, Hottie, and Blue, they lead us to a beat up old white truck and threw us in the back which was burning hot with how hot it was out here in the open road. 

I think I preffer the forest now. 

"Ouch, ouch, ouch!" Cassie hissed, moving her body from side to side as she landed next to Hottie. 

The guys winced at the hotness of the back of the truck but quickly composed their expression when two of the five guys jumped on the back with us. The others went to another truck while the driver - who had stayed on the truck - pulled away from the road and started heading North. 

The guys that were with us in the back looked young - one looked about eighteen while the other looked fifteen or sixteen. 

Young indeed. 

They both had the same features: tall, strong, brown eyes, black hair and tan skin. And totally hot.

If they weren't kidnapping me, I'd totally hit on them. 

What the hell am I thinking?! 

"Stop giving them googley eyes," Cassie muttered, "You're giving the wrong impression." 

I smirked at her, "What's this without a little fun, Sandy?" 

She rolled her eyes, "Only an insane person would flirt with their kidnapper. Obviously, that's you." 

I grinned, "When you know the right tricks, Sandy, getting out is easy." 

"Really? How?" 

"Just wait and you'll see." 


"You'll be learning from the best, babe. Don't stress too much," I winked at her as my brain went straight into Planning Mode. 

I just hope these retard boys aren't as smart as they seem. 

That'll totally suck. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2013 ⏰

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