Chapter Six

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Paris © 2012 by L.A Ortiz. All rights reserved 

A/N: New Cover by SilencedSong, thank you! It's awesome! And, this place is real! 

Chapter Six: Chad Myles [Part I] 

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked Paris. 

She suddenly stopped dancing and singing and turned to where I was standing, eyes wide open. 

"Well?" I crossed my arms across my chest, watching her every move. 

She was only wearing a pair of short jeans shorts which showed off her long and tan legs and a black tank top with no shoes on. Her long brunette hair was tied up in a messy bun and she had no make up on. 

Isn't she rich? 

But, she's still pretty either way. 

"How long have you been here exactly?" She asked, narrowing her eyes at me. 

I chuckled, "Since you started singing 'I'm tellin' you 'bout the shit we do, we're selling our clothes, sleepin' in cars...'" I mimicked her out-of-tune Kesha voice with a smirk. 

She glared at me. 

If looks could kill... 

It was a surprise that the windows of the house were still in one piece with the way her voice sounded. 

She isn't that bad. 

Shut up, Voice. 

I'm serious, she isn't. 

You're right, she isn't that bad. She's just... worse. 

"Well, excuse me if I'm not Mr. Hotshot who's got the freaking body of a model and the voice of a Greek God!" She snapped, eyes flaring up in anger. 

She was amusing. 

I mean, what other rich girl do you meet that can go from nice to suspicious to sweet to angry in a second? None. 

"So, you admit that I'm a Hotshot and Greek God?" I asked, realizing what she had said. 

She must've realized it too because her eyes grew wide open before she quickly composed herself. 

"No, I just said something that the public thinks," She quickly covered up, "It's not like you're hot, Blue. Even my damn cat is hotter than you. And, he's fat!

Where the hell did she get Blue from? Oh. Yeah... 

"Are you comparing me with your cat?" I laughed, watching as she huffed then pushed past me, knocking me out of the way and heading towards the small room that she and Cassie shared. 

That girl. 

I don't even know where the hell we were. Paris had taken us somewhere in Mexico, this place that has the name starting with the letter O but I can't pronounce it. We had gone from there and to this other place whose name abbreviates SPY but it was so long that I had stopped trying to pronounce it after a minute of trying and miserably failing. 

All I could see in this place were trees, rocks, trees, rocks, and just more trees. It was surrounded by trees but beautiful in it's own way. 

Like a jungle. 

But entirely different from what I was used to. 

Instead of the comfy beds that I was used to, the beds here felt as if they were made of rock instead of wood (a first wooden made bed that I've ever seen). The house that we were staying at had only three houses located near it. One house on the east... I think. Or was it west? I have no idea. The other house was located North, across the dirt road that passed in front of a small house that used to be a store according to Paris. 

How she knows this, I have no idea. But we're lucky if we don't die by the end of the week. Which is six days away, counting yesterday off. 

"We're going!!" I heard Paris' voice calling from what I guess to be the living room and I quickly headed there, finding her in a pair of combat boots, cargo pants, and a long sleeve black shirt. 

She looked hectic. 

Man, what's wrong with her? 

"Where exactly are we going?" Alex asked, appearing behind me with Cassie after him. 

Cassie looked as if she'd seen a sign that said 'Cassie has won the whole mall!

Seriously, Cassie did look like that. I know her because her parents - who are a pair of knuckleheads by the way - are somewhat associates with my father and I only met her once. But I don't think she remembers since we were young then. 

Besides, Cassie was such a girly girl and I never wanted to be anywhere near her again. I'm not making that mistake twice. I did once and I ended up with a freaking purple face and pink hair. 

Not happening twice. 

"Yeah, Paris, where exactly are we going?" Cassie asked, looking at Paris with a raised eyebrow. 

Paris shrugged with a smile, "I dunno but I want to go hiking." 

"Hiking!" Cassie screeched, "Are you totally going nutso?!

Paris stared at her for a minute before she started laughing, the sound of her laughter echoing in the house. 

She had a nice laughter. 

Shut. Up. 

"Do you even have all the essentials needed to go hiking?" Alex asked. 

"Duh," Paris rolled her eyes, "It's only for the day anyways so it won't take forever." 

"Do you even know this place?" Cassie asked. 

"Yes. I was here last time I crashed my car into the police." 

"That's why you flew right out of the country as soon as your parents found out!!" 





"Whoa!! Hold on there!" Alex grabbed Cassie while Paris quickly ran out of the house, laughing. 

"Uh, go find Paris," Alex quickly said, "If she's going hiking then we're all going." 

I nodded and quickly left the house and found Paris leaning against one of the small pillars outside, laughing silently to herself. Her gaze was sweeping through the empty field in front of the house except for the few cows and bulls. 

Who owned this place? 

"Hey," I said to her as I approached her small frame. 

"Hey, Blue," She smiled brightly, "What's up??" 

I sighed in irritation, running my fingers through my thick hair, "Nothing. When are you leaving?" 


"Do you know what time is it?" 

"Uh, no." 

"Don't you have your cell phone?" 

"No. I broke it." 

I stared wide-eyed at her, "You did what now?

"Broke my phone," She shrugged, "Besides, there's no service here. Just you, time, and lots of trees." 

I groaned and she laughed. 

Funny. Not. 

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