Day 1

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"I'm going to get you!!" "haha! Try if you can!" "your so loud! Your going to wake up the border collie mom!" "come play with us!" "Pups, its lunch time!" "YAY!!" German Shepard puppies bound over to their mother as she carries a bowl of puppy food over to them. "The humans have got you puppy food, they think your old enough." a male puppy lets out a yowl of happiness. "Thank you humans!" he stuffs his face in the food with his brother and sisters. "Ginger, where's Ezra?" she gave her daughter a quick lick on the ear. "He's working with the humans, remember Luce?" the puppy nodded and turned to the way her mother came. "Is someone coming?" Ginger turned her head. "I'll gi greet them. Stay here, ALL of you."Ginger trotted away into the doorway when a young male puppy lifted his head. "Let's follow her!" as he ran to the doorway, Luce tripped him. Making him tumble to the ground. "No Oscar, mama said no. You never disobey her orders." Oscar turned to her, shaking his black collar and himself of the grass. "But-" "No buts! Go play elsewhere today!" Oscar flattened his ears and his tail drooped down. "Okay....." he padded over to his brother and sister, Oliver and Monty. Luce ran over to the patch of flowers and laid in it until she saw her mother and two poodles and three poodle pups. "Everyone gather around!" the puppies ran over to their mother. Sitting in a straight line, patiently. "This is Beau and her mate Coby. These are their puppies: Ruby, Sapphire, Calie, and Luke." Monty barked a hello. "Hi! I'm Monty and these are my brothers and sister: Oliver, Oscar, and Luce." "hello chiots. Comment allez-vous?" The puppies looked at each other then to the pup mom. "What?" a girl poodle stepped up. "She said 'hello puppies. How do you do?' " they all awwed at the puppy's translation. "I'm Sapphire. The oldest." Luce stepped up. "Hi, I'm Luce. I'm the oldest too!" Coby nodded. "Agréable. Nous devons y aller, au revoir!" Sapphire nodded at her father. "He said 'nice. We must get going, good bye!' " "bye!!" their mother stepped up to Beau. "Au revoir, à beintôt." the poodles walked away from them, with their puppies bounding after them. They suddenly saw their father walked past them. "Bonjour il agréable de vous rencontrer." the puppies jumped on top of him after seeing their father. "Ezra!" he laughed. "Hey guys! Wanta hear another story from my job with the humans?" Oliver and Oscar's eyes lit up. "Do we!!"

A border collie puppy yawned. He opened his eyes to see his younger and only sister right in front of him. "Hi Sierra." she let out a growl of anger. "I thought I had you this time!" he lifted himself and saw his mother, Willow, and his father, Patriot, speaking to each other and his brother, Max, trying to climb on top of the dog house the humans put of for them. They walked over to him. "Max! What are you doing?!" he heaved himself on top of the dog house before looking back down. "I want to see Oscar! He said he'd play with me! You won't tell Willow, will you Cooper?" Cooper and Sierra looked at each other with worried glances. This is the part when they'd tell their parents, but he was more mischievous than both of them combined and try to get his way. Suddenly, he saw Patriot pick up Max by the sruff. "Your not going anywhere!" Max thrashed restlessly until he gave up. "Okay then..." Patriot put him down on ground level and trotted away. "Man, Dad ruins the fun!" Sierra flicked her tail on Max's muzzle."No, he's trying to keep you save!" they turned around and saw a male and female poodle. They scurried behind a bush to listen to their conversion. "Bonjouril agréable de vous rencontrer. Qui êtes-vous?" Patriot spoke in strange words to Cooper. He turned to Sierra. "Please translate." she nodded "Okay. Dad said, 'Hello there nice to meet you. Who are you?' " Cooper and Max nodded. Their sister was brilliant in different languages, Latin, French, Spanish. You name it! "Nous sommes de nouveau ici. Où sont vos chiots?" "leur là-bas, attendez un instant." Patriot turned over to where they were. "Puppies! Come meet the new dogs!" They bounded over to them. "Guys, this is Beau and Coby. Ces sont mes enfants." Sierra padded up to him. "Bonjour Coby. Je suis Sierra. Ces sont mes frères tonnelier et max." Max went up to them. "They smells weird! Did the humans put dirt on you? You smell nasty!" They looked taken aback. "Comment osez-void dire que sir moi!" They ran off and Patriot scolded Max. "It's time you guys went to sleep. And no buts!" They ran off into the dog house and Patriot closed the open door. The only light that had shown through the was through cracks and holes. Max huddled against Cooper. "He's mean..." Sierra shot a glare at him. "He's keeping you safe."  

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