Kaneki x Ghoul! Reader

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Running, just running... thats all you can do... just run to survive... running... running from a monster... but the monster is yourself...

"STOP THAT GHOUL" The man, a husband of three years and a father of two, screamed out into the cloudy sky, as his final words were falling out of his lips. The ghoul who attacked him was no other then (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N), "The Rose Ghoul". You and the doves have a bit of history together, you worked for them at one point, but they were onto you. You left as soon as possible, and haven't contacted any of the people you worked with sense.
Looking back at the man you killed, you could see the life draining out of him, his eyes loosing color, his skin turning pale, and his fingers falling to the ground without a sound. Walking over to the man, you kneeled down, closing his eyes. "Thank you sir" you mumble under your breath as you knew you would live another day without starving.

Waking up with a cold sweat, mixed with dry tears, you bolt up, waking up the male sleeping next to you. "Go back to sleep..." Kaneki mumbles into your back, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his own body's warmth.
"Sorry Kaneki..." You whisper as you put your head on his chest. Quickly falling back into a deep sleep, you didn't hear him say "You better watch yourself (Y/N)~"

Time-Skip to the Next Night

Walking down a street means danger. The constant terror of being eaten by a ghoul, even if you are a ghoul. You were feeling particularly brave today and went into a unknown territory, meaning the fear of being eaten was higher then ever.
You looked up, down, left, and right before continuing down the road. Turning into a public restroom, you quickly put on your Rose mask, and your deep red suit. You bolt out of the restroom, trying not to be seen, only to run into the arms of another ghoul.
"Eh? Dinner for me~" the male ghoul says, dragging you into a alleyway.
"STOP THAT GHOUL" That is what you wish somebody would say, as you were on your way to the end of the your life. Wishing you could see Kaneki one last time, tears start to fall down your cheeks, but you stop when your capturer throws you onto the ground. The male stares at you for a second, piecing together who you are, before laughing out of no where. "Ah~ (Y/N)~ You fell right into my trap~ and look how cute you are, on the ground, your mask chipping, completely powerless" The ghoul mocks as he spat on you.
Slowly taking his mask you realize who it is, and scream, trying to crawl away from him.

Running, just running... thats all you can do... just run to survive... running... running from a monster... but the monster is your lover...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2016 ⏰

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