I put the glass away then hung the towel up.

"I'm going to go and help Mia get ready." I said leaving them in the kitchen.

I walked up the stairs and knocked on her door.

"Mia, you done?"

"Yeah come on in."

I walked inside closing the door behind me.

"You look really nice Mia." I said sitting on her bed.

"Thanks. Hair up or down?"


She styled it and put on her shoes.

"Okay. Here goes nothing." She said taking one last look in the mirror.

"He must pay, keep the conversation going, stun him with your beautiful personality. You'll be fine." I said reassuring her.

She hugged me right before we both walked downstairs to find Brian and Dom in the lounge room sitting.

Brian saw us and stood up followed by Dom.

"You look beautiful." Brian said.

Mia glowed with happiness.

"Thank you. Are you ready?" She answered.

"Yeah, let's go. Bye Dom, nice seeing you Lexi." He said.

"You too. Be nice." I said glaring at him.

He smiled thinking I was joking, what he didn't know was that I wasn't. If he hurt her I would run him over with my car.

They walked down the front steps. Brian opened Mia's door for her then got in the car himself. I watched them drive off. Without me knowing Dom was standing really close to me watching out the same window I was.

"I better get going." I said trying to avoid an uncomfortable silence.

I walked away from him and grabbed my bags off the couch and started towards the door.

"Lexi." Dom started softly.

I turned to him and pushed the tears down.

"Yes Dom." I said sharply.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have assumed like that this morning,  You have a past and I shouldn't have judged." His face filled with regret.

"No you shouldn't have. I know you love her Dom, and as much as I want to be happy for you...I'm not. I am completely jealous and it kills me painfully again and again when I see you happy with her. I don't want to cause trouble, I swear. I came back for one purpose and...then I saw you and I fell completely in love with you again." I said keeping the tears down.

I kept telling myself that I wasn't going to cry in front of him.

"I love you too. Lexi. But I'm conflicted. When we were together, I had thoughts of what the future was going to be like. We would get married have kids one day. I saw it happening for us. With Letty I love her. But I can't see the future with her, at all. But I can't just get rid of her just because you're back, for all I know you may leave at any minute."

"It's true I can't stay. But you know that I didn't leave by choice Dom, I was forced to go and that love that I had for you back then, hasn't faded."

"I know, but how can I will make a decision that effects not only my life but our lives, Letty's life and Mia's life too. Based off the idea that maybe, one day you'll be able to come and actually stay."

"You decide whether loving me, is worth waiting." I said turning to leave, I reached for the doorknob.

"What did you mean that we were the last family you had? What happened to your parents?".

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