Chapter 14 This Class Is...Weird

Comenzar desde el principio

Then I raised my hand and said, " Um, Miss.Porlyusica, I would like to volunteer. "

" Is that so? Well, there you go, Miss.Lucy would like to volunteer. Since you volunteered, I would let you go home early today to practice. " 

" Really? Thank you! " I replied, as I grabbed my school bag.

" No problem! You deserve it. Make sure you find a perfect song to play. " Miss.Porlyusica said, smiling. I nodded. Then everyone started whispering about me.

" Lucy, again? She always has been in the computation. Why her? "

" I would have volunteered, but I guess she beat me to it. "

" That's so unfair! How come she gets to go home early?! "

" She thinks that she is so pretty, smart, cool and awesome, when actually...she's just a robot that somehow was brought to life. " 

" She's probably emotional less, because I never her smile. Like, ever. "

" She's weird. I don't like her. I wonder why many people adore her. "

Then as soon as Ieft the room, one of the girls in my class whispered to me and asked, " How are you not offended by this? " 

Her words, made me stop walking. It took me a few seconds to reply. " Because...I don't care. " I replied, then I left.

It's true. I don't care about what people think of me. I got more important things to deal with.

Then as soon as I left the building, I stopped to catch my breath. Thank Mavis that she left me go home early. I looked around to see the car, but it seems that Capricorn isn't here. Maybe I should just walk around for a bit and then go home. Maybe...

" Oh! Hey Lucy! " Who said that? The voice sounded familiar. Then I turned around to see who it was. It was Natsu and he was drinking a strawberry milk shake. " Yo! What's sup? " He asked, smiling.

What is he doing here? And why?

~Chapter 15 - Like I Care - Preview~

What is he doing here? And why? Was he waiting for me? What is going on? " What do you want? Are you following me? " I asked.

" No, why would I follow Miss.SecondPlace? " He asked.

" Ughhhhh! Stop calling me Miss.SecondPLace! " I yelled.

Author's Note

Hey minna! Sophie here! I hope that you are enjoying this book! I think I worked too hard on this chapter, because I feel really sleepy...but I have to watch the next episode of  " Your Lie In April ". It's such a good anime/story. I wonder if anyone made a Fanfic of Kaori and Kousei on wattpad. I should check...

Anyways, here are the people that I wanna thank! =)










Thanks guys! Your the best! Sorry if I didn't mention you name/username. It's either that I forgot your username or I'm just really tried! Either way! Well, I guess that's all for today! See ya in the next chapter! Ja Ne! =)

  - Sophie (A.K.A Sophie_Otaku123)


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P.S. What anime is this from, and name six character's from the anime (Including the girl in the picture). I know that's it's easy, but please answer it. =)

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