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English is not my first language and it’s un-betaed. Sorry for all the mistakes I made.


You are an idiot, Zayn!

“You are just being an idiot, Zayn. And you know that!” Liam whispers, doing his best not to yell and make everyone else acknowledge that they are arguing.


Now, after three whole years of sharing an apartment, spending time together, living next to each other, he wants to go away. That's not fair and especially it’s not fair that he is only telling Liam, praying for him to tell the others once he is long gone. So he won’t suffer the consequences of his actions and Liam will be the one in charge of picking up the pieces.

“I can't do this anymore, okay. I - I need my space, I need a whole room all for me, I am tired of sharing it with you and you telling me where to put my shoes.”

Liam sighs, “Technically I only tell you where to not put them,” This argument is stupid, it makes no sense, but Liam keeps going with it, since Zayn is putting no effort into being a little bit more mature, “You can put your shoes wherever you want, except for inside the room. They smell, Zayn. And you should thank me for warning you or else you would have died asphyxiated by now.”


“That's not about your damn shoes, Zayn. Now tell me, what is this about?”

Zayn seems to consider the offer, maybe he sees it as a chance to tell the truth and share the unbearable burden he is apparently been carrying with someone else. Liam is good in listening, right? He is the one who always has the answers, isn't he?

But still, Zayn can't talk to him right now. “Just tell the others-”

“Oh, no. You tell them. Go face their sad faces when you tell them you are abandoning your best friends just because - actually Zayn, why are you doing this again?”

They began to share the same apartment as soon as they both turned eighteen. The others were still in the foster home they had all grown up in, they joined as soon as they could, doing their best to provide to the house, getting small jobs and trying to study at the same time. Not the easiest life, but they do their best.

They have each other, they can always count on their best friends when it's necessary and that has always been enough. They are brothers. And now Zayn is leaving them with no real explanation and that will leave the boys heartbroken, he knows that.

Niall is going to cry. He cries for everything and he is the one who still worships Zayn and everything he does as they all did when they were younger and Zayn was the one who used to scare mean kids away and steal food for all of them when they were hungry. Niall still looks at Zayn with that awe in his eyes and he's not going to take it well.

Harry doesn't like goodbyes, he has already said too many of them. Liam has a feeling that he is the main reason why Zayn doesn't want to say goodbye to the others, he knows too well that Harry is not ready for that. He is the youngest, he is the one they should still try and protect, and Zayn is leaving him. No more pancakes made together getting flour all over the kitchen, no more late TV nights. Zayn is just another figure abandoning Harry.

And then there is Louis. Louis is the clingier, the one who always goes to Zayn for physical contact, the one who doesn't speak often, whose body talks enough for him. And Zayn is the only one who can read him sometimes. How is Louis going to go on if there is no Zayn to go through his mind?

Honestly Liam doesn't know if he can keep them all together without Zayn.

He doesn't know if he wants too. Him and Zayn? They are more than brothers, more than friends. They are like an old married couple, despite the fact that they aren't a couple. Still they are the daddies of this little family, the glue who keeps everyone together. And Liam doesn't want to stay if Zayn is not going to.

You Are An Idiot, Zayn!Where stories live. Discover now