"Fine, but let's look at the food in the basement, ration everything out, maybe we don't need to hunt, we can just live off what we have." She was so grossed out by everything, she will not be able to last long here, I know it.

Locklyn went over to the table, took the sheet of paper on the table, searched the drawers for a pen, and began to write. "What are you doing, Lock?" I asked.

"We need to have some stability here and not fight over stuff. I am assigning everyone a section to take care of, some of us may have more than others, some may have the same, it's so we can have everything in order. Cason is right, we don't know how long we are going to be here. To avoid fighting and arguing and wasting, I'm setting some more ground rules, our own ground rules and not the president's."

Cason rubbed her back lightly and leaned next to her. Locklyn grinned and continued writing. Soon, she turned to look him in the eyes, and kissed his cheek. "Can you two not be so affectionate in front of us? Its awkward for everyone else," Hadley said. She has always been a bit jealous of their relationship.

"We're dating, Hadley. How can we not be so affectionate?" Locklyn said.

"Locklyn, don't get so offensive," I stepped towards them. "She's saying to try and contain your hormones and emotions towards each other. It's difficult all around, you two dating and now having to live in this secluded cabin, it's hard to handle. You are sharing a bedroom, which to me is okay, but, it's weird."

"Girls, don't start this again. No more fighting over things that can be controlled. Locklyn and I will contain ourselves to a point, but, it won't be easy." Everyone nodded.

Trace was standing at the window in the dining room. "Locklyn, did you make up the chore list?" he asked.

"Yes," she began, "Trace, you are responsible for hunting and fishing, and then prepping the fish and meat to be cut. Cason, you are responsible for hunting, cutting the meat, and the fire. Hadley, you are going to be responsible for the dishes, setting the table, finding wood for the fire, and other small projects that need to be done, not on a regular basis, but, should be done."

"Give me the dumb jobs, huh?"

"Hadley, what's up with the attitude?" I asked. "I understand this is hard to grasp and very nerve-racking, but, don't start with the attitude. You have the most important jobs, don't think of it as dumb."

"No! This is stupid! I want to go home to my family. What did we do anyway? We witnessed a death of a senator, big whoop! We shouldn't be locked in here for who knows how long." She was yelling and swinging her arms around. She was about to have a panic attack and freak out. Great, just great. "We need to leave! We need to go home and be in school! We are going to die out here if we don't figure out how to leave!"

"Hadley, don't freak, we will get through this. Maybe we will only be here for a month, maybe two. They need to find the men who killed Senator Quinn and then they'll come and set us free," Trace turned away from the window and went over to her. She began to cry and Locklyn and I exchanged looks, knowing this is going to be harder than we thought. Cason wrapped his arm around Locklyn's waist.

"NO!" Hadley soon fell to the ground and Trace caught her before she actually hit the ground. He whispered something in her ear, she nodded, and he picked her up and went upstairs with her.

Locklyn looked down at the counter. "What are my responsibilities, Locklyn?" I asked her softly.

"Cooking, organizing the living room when it gets messy and I am putting you in charge of first aid, medical, anything to do with medicine."

The Secret Five #Wattys2016Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang