Screw Technology! I've got a Friend who is a Naga!

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Scott's POV

Ugh! I've been banned from having any technology now. For a month...........I sigh and turn in my bed facing the window......................
Wait, why the fuck am I complaining?!?

My friend is a fucking Naga!!!

I run downstairs and and through the front door, yelling, "Bye Mom! I'm going to hangout out with a friend!" I slammed the door shut behind me before giving her a chance to respond.

/Timeskip to the Forbidden Forest's entrance/

I had to be sneaky so I wouldn't be seen by the cops again. It took a while, but I'm finally at the Entrance to the forest!
I casually walked through it, taking the route to Vincent's cave.

No POV...... Actually it's technically your POV.

Scott's gut was flipping out. It kept telling him he had to go. Go get out of here because he's gonna die!! (Admit it. You thought I meant diarrhea.) Of course he ignored it in favour of seeing his friend after so long. Wait, what if he thinks I abandoned him?! This promoted Scott to start running towards the cave. A smile lit up on face when he saw the entrance to Vincent's cave getting closer. Within seconds, he was only a few step away from entering.

(I didn't know how to write the scene out without it being lacking in detail, so just imagine Mike in this dragon's stead.... And that it's  day time, and no, he is not breathing fire in the middle of the forest that is the only sanctuary away from humans for mythical creatures.... At least in that area anyway.)

Mike was serious about keeping humans out. If he had to make an example, so be it. To make his point, he roared in the human's face.

Scott's skin went deathly pale. He was frozen in fear.

He took a deep breath, and shouted the only thing he could think of saying in this situation.


( Yes I did just use Hunch back of Notre Dame in this.)

SNAKES AND PHONES! (Naga! Vincent X Human! Scott HighSchool Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now