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I waited there for what felt like hours but was actually only minutes. I looked ahead of me and saw the impossibly long line of vehicles that seemed to go on forever. And ever. All around me I was surrounded by noisy cars that thought beeping the horns would make a difference. Car horns, revving engines, screeching tyres was all I could hear and it was driving me crazy. I was going to be late to work even if I did overcome the sea of metal shells. I knew it was going to be a bad day.

I arrived two hours late into to work, grumpy and and irritated. Being stuck in a traffic jam for two hours was not fun. People were milling back and forth on the street, completing their daily errands. It was cramped, noisy and rough. But I was forty meters above them in my office trying to calm myself and relax instead of barking at my secretary. I was good at my job which was why I was the CEO, that and I also owned the company. I took my job seriously, as Abbey Enterprises was a very well-known and successful.

I felt my stomach rumble and remembered that I skipped breakfast so I would arrive at work on time. Great idea that was. So I jumped out of my seat and headed toward the board room to have my fill of caffeine and morning tea. My secretary called after me but I ignored her. I was hungry, and nothing can stop a hungry man. A few more people tried to get my attention but they were silenced by my cold, hard glare.

I arrived at the board room in good time. With some minor stops along the way. I desperately made my way to the coffee machine and impatiently waited in the line where other employees were also waiting for their doses of caffeine. I shifted my feet and gave the already caffeinated people a death stare.

Finally it as my turn to get a coffee. I eagerly filled my mug and was anticipating the hot, steamy cup of coffee. I also got myself some biscuits and had another coffee. I was walking down the corridor towards my office and was my checking my emails on my blackberry. Then...this WOMAN bumped into me. She made my coffee splatter all over my expensive linen shirt and blazer. I was so furious that I felt like throwing her out the window, without a parachute. I was so wrapped up in my anger that I didn't notice that she was also covered in coffee.

I looked up at the young brunette. In other situations she would be kinda cute. But at the moment she could have been the queen and I would have thought she was the most infuriating and repulsive woman alive. She looked up at me and I could see the seething look in her eyes. She looked pissed, extremely pissed.

"Bloody hell! Do you look where you're going, or do you just think ruining peoples' shirts is fun?" I was furious and was yelling. She did not look impressed and the seething look increased.

"I'm exceedingly sorry Mr. Abbey, about your shirt that is." She replied sweetly, but something was off. I looked her in the eye, glaring at her, but she didn't flinch and continued to smile. Bloody hell, the girl was mocking me.

I looked around at my other employees who had now gathered at the scene. Some were looking at the woman with amusement, pity and smirking.

"Next time you should just watch where you're going," I said through gritted teeth.

She decided to then say "You're right. I should know better, but sometimes I just get distracted by wondering how one person can put the entire blame on another when they were not looking where they are going and as a result their shirt was ruined. But that's no excuse sir. Please accept my sincerest apologies for your shirt." She smiled again. And just put the blame on me.

Others were standing around looking impressed and were trying to hide their smirks. I was too angry to care. I just wanted to get this woman out of my sight. So I turned on my heel and angrily made my way into my office. Her face stuck in my mind, and was quite impressed with the way she was not intimidated by me. But then I remembered her sweetly coated apology. She was so infuriating.

I decided to forget about the woman and continued on with my horrible day. Checking accounts, attending a meeting, interviewing possible employees and calling my mother. I left the office at a late hour and went to the underground car park to go home, eat dinner, and sleep.

I was unlocking my car door and heard someone walking by. I looked up and saw her. She returned my gaze and smiled. Most of my anger had disappeared toward her throughout the day and I realised I had spoken harshly. I decided to make things right.

"I'm sorry" I blurted out. She looked at me with part confusion and amusement. "I mean about today with the coffee and bumping in to each other and blaming you and clearly taking responsibility. And also for not saying sorry earlier."

"So you're apologising for not apologising? Well I never. I guess I should forgive you then."

She had that sweet arched look again.

"Really?" I asked, not quite comprehending that she could forgive so easily.

"Ah, no. Sorry pal I don't forgive so easily. You are gonna have to do more than that."

Great, now what? I thought on it and came up with an idea and silently pleaded it would be good enough.

"How about dinner, Friday night? We can go any place you want."

She looked startled at such a request but appeared thoughtful.

"All right," she says. "But be warned, I'm not easily charmed."

I bet you're not, I thought. "So I'll call you?"

"Without my number? Wow."

I looked down and could feel my cheeks warming up, realising my blunder. She decided to take pity on me.

"Do you have a pen?" She asked. I handed her one and she scribbled a number on my palm. Her touch sent tingles up my spine. "There," she said. "I'll see you around." And with she was off.

"Wait, what's your name?" I called after her.

"You'll just have to wait and see," She called back, smiling cheekily. Then she was gone.

I went back to my car door and a smile was appearing on my face. Maybe today had not been so bad after all.

-Katie Dreckow

Hey. So it was only a short story that I did for English. Let me know what you think. The story will not be continued.

Thanks :)

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