“Another panther!” She squeals, smiling. “I’m going to take Kira and show her some fun, okay Starrk?” As quickly as she had started the subject, it was over and she was jumping to a new one.

“Whatever.” Starrk mutters as he lays back down on the pillows, his eyes fluttering shut.

With that said, Lilynette grabs my hand and drags me out of the room and down the endless halls; we had taken so many turns, I was definitely lost.

“Where are we?” I ask as we stop outside of a random door in the middle of the seemingly empty hallway.

“This is Szayel’s lab. I’ve been meaning to prank him for a while and now is the perfect opportunity and you’re going to help.” Lilynette smirks.

“I am?”

Her smirk grows as she replies with a simple, “Yup”, popping the ‘p’ with extra emphasis. I just sigh and watch as she pushes the door open, leading me in.

“Go over there and start mixing any chemicals you find.” She instructs as she walks in the opposite direction of where I was supposes to go.

“What are you going to do?”

“You’ll see.” Lilynette laughs before disappearing. With a huff, I make my way over to a long table cluttered with glass bottles and other science equipment.

Picking up two beakers, I start pouring them together and into other beakers. After a few moments, I start laughing in surprise at how much fun this actually was. I continue mixing chemicals, now faster than before and with much more enthusiasm.

As more and more chemicals mixed, bigger reactions started happening; some even caused explosion. Which explains the large black, charred mark on the wall now.

“Lilynette?” I call out once I had gotten my fill of chemical mixing.

“Over here!” I hear her call from somewhere to the left of me. Following the sound of her voice, I come upon her painting on the wall. What she was painting made me laugh.

“A unicorn? Really?” I question, holding my giggles in.

“He hates them.” Lilynette states with a smile as she paints on the final details. “We should probably get out of here before he comes back.”

“Good idea.” As soon as we get close to the door, it opens up from the other side to reveal the man of the hour.

“Lilynette. To what do I owe the pleasure?” He inquires, sarcasm dripping from his words.

“We were just leaving, weren’t we Kira.” Lilynette ignores his question and pushes past him with me in tow.

As we start running away, I stop and turn back. “Nice hair by the way!” I call, laughing when I hear Szayel reply with a low and muttered ‘shut up’.

When I turn back around, I see that Lilynette has disappeared, leaving me alone in the hall of mazes.

“Great.” I mutter to myself as I begin walking down a random hallway.

Turning a corner, I run right into something; more specifically someone. “Hey, watch where you’re going.” I scowl, not realizing - or caring - who was in front of me.

“Where did you learn you’re manners?” The person laughs, their voice deep and filled with good intention humour. Looking up, my eyes widen slightly at the sight of Grimmjow standing there with an innocent smirk on his face.

“And you’re manners are any better?” I question, which earns me a shove on the shoulder.

“That wasn’t very nice.” Grimmjow’s smirk turns into a frown quickly.

Shrugging, I start walking past him. “I never said I was nice.” With that, I leave him behind me.

Just as I am turning another corner, Grimmjow appears in front of me with a smirk on his face and his hands crossed over his chest. “Where do you think you’re going?”

Raising an eyebrow, I move around him. “Um, to my room?”

Grimmjow laughs and I feel a hand latch onto my wrist. “You don’t even know where it is and besides, I’m kidnapping you right now.”

“Kidnapping?” I cock my head to the side in confusion.

“Mhm.” He nods and before I can even protest, he was already throwing me over his shoulder and walking down the hallway.

“Put me down!” I growl at him which only makes him laugh, the sound rumbling through him and underneath my stomach.

“Where’s the fun in that?”

“Let me go.” I hiss as I hit his back with my fists. He just shakes his head no and continues walking to wherever he was taking me. “Fine then, I’ll just do this.”

Before Grimmjow has the time to ask me what I was going to do, I lean forward and latch my teeth onto his shoulder for a few seconds.

When I do let go, Grimmjow hisses in pain and a shock. “Did you just bite me?”

Laughing, I shake my head. “What are you talking about? I did no such thing.” I state in the most innocent voice I could muster.

“Sure, whatever. Just shut and stop moving.” Grimmjow orders.

“And if I don’t?” I taunt, hoping to get a reaction out of him.

“Then I’ll do this.” Grimmjow says before I feel a sharp pain on my rear end.

It takes me a few seconds to register what just happened, but when I do I am in slight disbelief. “Did you just slap my ass?”

“What are you talking about? I did no such thing.” Grimmjow imitates my earlier statement.

“Jerk.” I growl, practically able to feel the smirk radiating off his face right now.

“You know you like it.” Grimmjow laughs to which I respond with a growl.

“Can you just let me go? Please?” I ask after a few moments of silence. Grimmjow just shakes his head defiantly. Sighing, I realize that he wasn’t going to let me go. “Can you at least tell me where we are going? Or what we’re going to do?”

“We’re going to have some fun.”

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