Chapter 5

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**Jas POV

"oh yeah baby i'm okay just morning sickness" I yelled to the door. But i'm not okay, im sick to my stomache with myself.. *looks in the mirror* "ugh, Im so fat /: " I whispered to myself.

" I constantly throw up but im still fat /: " I begin to look down at my stomache. " I finally open the door".

**€nd of Jas Pov

**Israel POV

*Stops cooking, looks in the restroom, Balls up fist. "YOU GOT MORNING SICKNESS THAT ONLY MEAN ONE THING , TF JAS YOU GOT BABY IN YOUR TUMMY MAN TF I KNEW YOU WAS MESSING AROUND , WHO BEEN MESSIN WITH ?" I screamed , I threw her to the wall in got in her face! "Who baby is it"? I softly said.

She started crying ," im not having a baby , i'm sick to my stomache" jas whispered as tears roll down her face."Stop lying to me" I shouted! "Im not I swear im not" she yelled. "So why you throwing up" I said calmly. "I ate some bad seafood" she said. "You ... Lying"

*She walks away..

**End of israel pov.

"Whats going on?" Her brother mark walked in the house out of no where! "You must of been over your thot house huh?" Jas said. "nevermind that" mark asounded.

Israel spoke & yelled "she been throwing up & she wont tell me why!" "You got my sis ???" Mark yelled angry.

"no , we dont even yunno!" Israel shouted. "Stop it stop yelling" jas finally saids. "then whsts wrong?" mark & israel both said! "i told u I ate some bad seafood" jas said. Mark was relief & said "oh, well i'll be back whenever".

"You cant leave , we need some food & we dont got no money" she shouted after he left. Tears running down her face "ugh" . "Baby i'll take care of you & ur lil bro i'll get two jobs" israel said softly while holding jas. "Forreal baby, omg I love you so much" kisses him after jas says that.

"Know tell me whats wrong ,? why you throwing up?" Israel whispered in Jas's ear . "Ok, im freaking fat there I throw up cause im fat you happy now" sitts down & starts crying.

*Israel takes her to the restroom & let jas see her self "ur body is slim look, ur beautiful you nowere near fat.Baby I swear" kiss her. "Now eat this... pancakes now!" He said jokely. Jas starts at the plate , take a bite then ran to bathroom to throw it up.

Stop that shit he chase her & seat her down " Eat Now im not playing" Israel yells. She do it again . He stopped her from puking this time. She turns around & points to her stomache & grabs it "see look im fat ,..... Im fat ugh!" She said sniffling & crying! "You not bae damn you just right ur perfect" he shouted again. She cried in his arms for at least in hour . . . .

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