Chapter 3

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Something clatters from another room. I rub my eyes and open them. I'm in an unfamiliar place, nothing out of the ordinary there. What's unusual though, is the fact my clothes are on and I'm alone.

I swing my legs to the side of the bed and my feet pad softly against the carpet. The door's open a crack and I peek through. I can't see much but I can hear about three voices. They're talking in hushed tones and I feel like I shouldn't interrupt. I pull the door open and follow the voices down a twisted hallway.

I find Liam sitting on the couch, a baby at his feet, a blond haired woman with a lot of black eye makeup in the kitchen stirring a pot of something, and a tattooed man sitting on the edge of the couch.

"Good morning!" The blonde haired woman chirps.

"Morning," I shoot her a weak, confused smile.

"I'm Tom," the man sitting on the couch introduces himself. "And that's Lou," he points to the woman.

"And this is Lux," Liam grins at the baby.

"Hawwy!" She squeals at him. He laughs uncomfortably and shakes his head, a few curls falling out of place.

"We need to talk," I say to Liam.

"That's never good," Tom teases and turns the volume up. It's a news station. My eyes are glued to the screen as a pixelated picture of Niall pops up along with a picture of me.

"The man is identified as Niall Horan, but his accomplice is unidentifiable. Police are on the lookout for the pair. They were last seen at the corner store on first street at the 7/11."

I gulp and look at Liam and I know he knows. The screen switches over and a mugshot that looks an awful lot like Liam comes up. Tom changes the channel and Liam quickly drags me down the hall.

"Was that you?" I hiss, my stomach flipping. He ignores it.

"They're getting closer to finding out your identity. We should get out of here," he runs a hand through his curls and his green eyes darken.

"Where should-"

"Where does your passport friend live?" He interrupts.

"Where are we?" I ask.

"I asked you a damn question!" He snaps.

"Where are we?" I repeat, keeping my cool.

"Manchester," he finally answers. His attitude is definitely not his best feature.

"It's about a half hour from here. He lives near Liverpool."

"Get ready, we'll leave in a few minutes," he states and walks back to the living room.

I grab my backpack from the dresser in the room I woke in and I walk down the hall. I hear an angry hushed tone. It's Liam.

"Almost fucked everything up!" he growls. I only make out part of what he says.

"We'll be leaving," he turns to me as I walk out.

"So soon?" Lou pouts. I nod after Liam doesn't speak. I don't trust my mouth.

Liam lifts the baby, Lux I think, and kisses her cheek causing her to smile a toothless smile and giggle. He beams, he looks genuinely happy.

"Thank you for having us," I smile weakly and Lou wraps me into a small hug. My arms hang awkwardly by my sides. I'm not a very hug orientated person.

"Come by anytime," Tom says as he stands up to pat Liam's back. I wave from the door as I wait for him.

Liam takes a deep breath in. "Ready, cupcake?"

Life on the Run (Harry Styles)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz