Niall faking- for cadymn

Start from the beginning

"I did. No way was I risking catching it again after last year. Anyway, I'm still hungry. I'm going to make some eggs," Louis stated. He stood up and disappeared into the kitchen, leaving me alone on my chair again. I could get up and sit with Liam but then I'd probably get sick for real.

 Harry got up and went after Louis, yelling something about bacon.

"Here, swallow these down." 

Liam weakly chucked me a sheet of pills and unfortunately I was too slow to catch it, resulting in me getting hit in the face.

He winced, "oops, sorry Mate."  
 I slowly popped a couple of the pills out and thought about how I was going to do this. Taking pills I didn't need was stupid, so I pretended to drop them into my mouth and then took a gulp out of the glass of water beside the leg of the couch. Then I shoved the pills down the side of the couch and put the glass down. I made sure to wince as the water traveled down my apparently sore throat, earning a worried glance from Liam that I tried to ignore.

My guilty conscience was really getting to me.

I thanked him and adjusted my position on the armchair, slumping down into it and hanging my legs over the arm rest.

The boys came back not fifteen minutes later with four plates of scrambled eggs.
Liam rubbed at his eyes tiredly before setting a wary forkful in his mouth. I couldn't blame him, anyone would be wary with food after throwing up for most of the night before. He chewed slowly before swallowing, still looking a bit unsure. 

When Liam sneezed suddenly, and loudly, I nearly fell off the couch. My plate was thrown into the air and it landed upside down with a pitiful thud. I just stared at it. 

Harry thought it was the best thing ever, he was leaning back over the back of the couch howling, tears in his eyes. "Y-your face!" he gasped joyfully, loud guffaws echoing around us.

"Shit," I murmured as I leaned over to start scraping the eggs off the carpet. 

Liam rubbed his nose and tried to get up to help but Harry kept an arm over his chest to stop him from going anywhere as Louis crouched down beside me.

I swallowed, "I guess I'm a bit jumpy."
"Why don't you go have a lay down? It'll make you feel better," Louis suggested.

I nodded slowly, "Yeah, I think I might."

"We'll check up on you soon."

 I made a show of getting up and then wandered down the hall to one of the guest rooms, plopped down onto the bed and wondering what the hell I was doing. Sure I wanted some love and attention but this definitely wasn't the way to go about it. I'd never lied to the boys like this before and I felt all kinds of awful about it.

I got up and closed the blind before getting under the duvet, staring at the ceiling and trying to come up with an excuse for my stupid behaviour. Liam was getting better now, he didn't need everyone's constant attention. It was as easy mistake, saying I didn't feel well when truly I was fine. Easily misheard.

It was too late to stop now anyway.

I flipped over onto my stomach and buried my head into the pillow, breathing deeply and rapidly with the hope that it would make me warm by the time Louis or Harry came in. The embarrassment would be enough to make me flushed.

The door creaked open ten minutes later and I stopped still, sluggishly rolling onto my side.

"Ni? Are you asleep?" Harry whispered loudly.
"No," I muttered in reply.

"Are you awake?"

I rolled over to look at him, "seriously?"
"Just making sure." He smirked, "are you doing any better?"

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