Easy Road

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Taichi and his group were walking into the woods. They were searching for the new members. Some of the members were tired. But everyone else was eager to find the new members. Then, Taichi stopped." What's wrong? Did you find them? " asked Yamato.

" I think we better rest a little bit, " said Taichi. Everyone sat down and rest but Yukina was climbing a tree. Mikaela didn't saw what Yukina was doing. Kiriha on the other hand only watched her.

" See something good up there? " Yukina said to Terriormon. Terriormon nodded. Everyone heard Yukina's voice and looked for her. Mikaela saw her and he was worried that she will fell. " They never feel tired, do they?" Sora said.

Everyone else smiled. Mikaela smiled too. But he still worry about Yukina being up on a tree. Then, the noise on the tree gone. They looked up and didn't see any moving leaves made by Yukina.

" Yukina! Are you up there?" Mikaela shouted. There was no response. Mikaela tried again. And still no response from Yukina. Ken told wormmon to check on Yukina. A few minutes later, Wormmon got down." What's wrong?" Ken asked." She's asleep," said Wormmon.

" No wonder it was quiet. Let's give them a little time to rest. She deserves it." Taiki said. The other agreed. They all rest for half an hour. Yukina didn't even wake up. But the rest was over when Vamdemon showed up.

" Having a nice relaxation?" Vamdemon said. All of them except for Yukina woke up." Where's the girl? " Vamdemon asked. Vamdemon was searching for Yukina. But he didn't know that she was sleeping in the tree.

" Hey, she hasn't woken up yet. So we mustn't tell him where she is," said Kiriha." I agree. But we mustn't wake her too." Taiki said. Taiki looked behind him and saw Wizarmon was going to the tree. He was going to put a barrier so that any attacks hit the tree will be nullify.

Mikaela saw his actions and wondered. What kind of relationship does he has with Yukina?" Hey Mikaela, how about you stay back. Until you found your digimon, we can't risk you being hurt." Taichi said. Mikaela knew that he will be in the way so, he back up.

" I asked for the girl. Tell me where she is?" Vamdemon demanded. " Why should we?" They said in union. Vamdemon was angry and start the attack. The others fought back but then Terriormon came down the tree.

"So, there you are. I was searching for you." Vamdemon said." It's rude to attack them when your master said to greet them with care." Yukina shouted. Vamdemon kneeled apologize to everyone.

" So, mind telling us what is going on?" Kiriha asked. Then, a couple of kids showed up. There were two boys. The others were girls." Yuri told us to wait for her here." The kids said. " But, she disappear while we were talking to her." They continued. The others looked at each other.

" So, is there others like you...I mean like us?" Taichi asked. One boy nodded. " They already went and gather an army of digimons to fight against Izana." Vamdemon said.

" We want your help to find another way without violence. That's why I was born. Even thought the other digimon hated Izana, they wouldn't want to fight him." Yukina body been possess by Yuri. Yuri is born within the deeps of darkness that flows through the Digital World.

" If only Izana knew..." One girl said. " There is a way though. We need to find the Legendary Stone." Yuri said. " Darkness alone aren't strong enough to make him realize what have he done." Said Wizarmon.

" Right!" Yukina said. " Wait,..your back?!" Mikaela was stunned. " Yeah. Why? Are you really think that Yuri will take over my body for a long time again? I don't think so!" Yukina said. While she was saying those, she took out the tag and crest that was around her neck. The she put it around Mikaela's neck.

Mikaela was shock and curious about what his twin are doing. " Yukina. What's this for?" He asked. " It was originally your to begin with. I only had a black digivise. You are the real holder of darkness." Yukina said.

" Well Vamdemon, take us to where the first clue of the Legendary Stone." Yukina said. " Oh, I almost forgot. Wizarmon is actually your digimon. He follows your orders and fulfill your wishes, Mika." Everyone was shock by the new piece of information. Even Mikaela. Then, Yukina handed another digivise to her brother.

Yukina know that Mika doesn't remember a thing after being brainwashed by Izana. So she only smiled and gave the digivise to him. Mika was confused but tried to trust his sister. After all they are twins.

After that all of them set on a new adventure towards the Legendary Stone.

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