The Road To Recovery

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It's been three days since the incident that happened to Yukina's twin brother, Mikaela. Mikaela has not woken up yet. This made Yukina worried about her brother." Don't worry. He's going to be alright." Sora said. She knows how Yukina felt. Everybody was the same.

They were shock when they saw him. They did not believe what they saw. Yukina went to stroll. She think about what happened to her and her brothers. Only her brothers were suck to the digital world.

Lately, she begins to think about others. As the sixth and last in her family, she was protected by the older siblings. So, she always playing around. But, things are different now. She has to take care of herself. She now knows the stuff that the older siblings has to do for her.

" Yukina! Yukina!" Nene shouted." Where could she be?" Yuu said. Tagiru was helping Nene called Yukina. Then, Yukina's head came out of the bush behind them. Tagiru was frightened. Yuu, Nene and Yukina laughed at him.

" Why did you call?" Yukina asked." Mikaela has woken up. He was freaking out. C'mon." Yuu said. They all ran back to check on Mikaela. They reached he cave and saw Mikaela ran out of the cave." Mika!!" Yukina said. She ran towards Mikaela and hug him." Yukina?" Mikaela said.

" How did you get in here? And who're those guys?" Mikaela asked his twin. Yukina did not answer them." Hey, Yukina. Do you hear me. I'm talking to you? Yukina?!" Mikaela said angrily. He turn to see Yukina and she was asleep.

" She didn't get any sleep." Nene said." She was taking care of you when you're out." Yuu said." She is a good girl, Mikaela. You guys shouldn't treat her like a little kid. She is really nice." Kiriha said." Is that some encouragement I hear from you, Kiriha." Taiki said. Cutemon and Dorulumon laughed.

" Here, you're digivise." Miyako gave back Mikaela's digivise to him. But he did not take it." What's wrong?" Miyako asked. Then Miyako's mouth said everything that was pop up in her head." Hey Miyako, stop it. Poor Mikaela. He was only being used by them." Mikaela did not pay any attention to them. He carried his sleeping sister inside the cave so that she can rest.

" You're afraid aren't you, Mika-nii?" Yukina said. Mikaela turn to look at her but she was asleep." Am I hearing things?" Mikaela said quietly. Mikaela remembered that his digimon was destroyed by a gigantic digimon when he did not follow the digimon's orders. He was sad that he lost his partner digimon.

" Are you thinking about you're digimon?" Ken said quietly so everyone else could not hear them talked. Mikaela was surprised that Ken knew what was in his head." I lost Wormmon last time. It was heart heart breaking." Ken said." Really?! I didn't know." Mikaela said.

Yuu saw the two was talking and went to them. Yuu overheard their stories." I lost Damemon too." Yuu said. Ken was surprised he came. So is Mikaela." You know, digimons will come back if the partner's feelings towards him are strong. Then, he will come back." Yuu and Ken said.

" Do you still remember your partner? If you do then he will come back to you someday."" Yeah. Just don't give up on him." They said. Both Yuu and Ken's word made Mikaela believe that his digimon will come back to him.

" Don't you wanna go to him Wizarmon?" Terriormon said." I'll go when the time is right." Wizarmon said back." You know it's not right to make him feel that way." Yukina said." When did you wake up?" Wizarmon was surprised." About a minute ago." Yukina said.

" There's no reason for you to be frighten. He's just a normal boy now. He's not gonna harm you or me. He wants a normal life. He's normal life." Yukina said. She wants Wizarmon to be calm. She knows how he thinks.

" Oh, Yukina! You're awake." Yuu said." How're you feeling?" Ken said." I'm fine." She answered. Ken and Yukina talked together. Mikaela saw Yukina talk with Ken happily. She was smiling and laughing while talking with Ken.

" Look at your sister. She doesn't need you guys to look out for her all the time. She only need your guidance." Kiriha said." To us she only a little girl." Mikela said." You don't have too go that far. We have younger siblings as well. We know how you feel." Taichi and Yamato said.

" You don't have to be so worried about her." Taiki said. Mikaela listen to what they said and took their advise. He was feeling much better. He now know how to take care of his younger twin.

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