chapter 1

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I closed me eyes, the light made them sting when I opened them, I saw four people standing there. The tall one with red eyes seemed to narrow his eyes at me,he held a knife to the neck of a orange haired boy.

The one with the eye patch looked horrified, while the man in the wheel chair look quite pleased.

"Look Lord phantomhive, this is what I made " the man in the wheel chair smiled

I snarled at him, he might not look like what he used to be but I know he his the one that done this to me. I remember his name now Lord Kelvin.

Lord Kelvin frowned when he I snarled and took something out. It looked like a rectangle with buttons, he pressed one and suddenly there was a shock.

I yelped in pain as the electric shock made its way through my body.

" how dare you growl at Lord phantomhive " Lord Kelvin growled angrily

I glared at him

" w-what is that?!" The boy asked

"This is Luka, I put him through lots of test,mixing his DNA with a Wolf's DNA for 7 years" Lord Kelvin said happily

"I never been able to forget that pain" Lord Kelvin said suddenly changed the subject "I, who gave up everything to meet you was the only one who couldn't"

"Why is fate so bent on keeping us apart. I wonder." He continued " and then on that day, they were gone"

The kid with the eye patch looked dead in the eyes......emotionless.

"It was you who killed them,wasn't it,my Lord?" Lord Kelvin asked but it didn't really sound like a question

The boy stayed silent

"How I envy them, a beautiful end with the cold moon at their deathbed..please make me one if them!!" Lord Kelvin said smiling holding his arms wide

The boy pointed the gun at him

"Look! I've prepared everything just as it was then....this ritual chamber...and the lamb..and finally my lord--you!" He said he was insane that was a fact he was basically begging for his death

There was no sound of a gun shot but you can see the blood splatter from his wound on Lord Kelvin's stomach. The orange haired boy's eyes widened. He started to struggle against the red eyed man.

The boy was panting he looked angry.

"Father!" Orange head yelled taking off his hand revealing a mid length sized knife and broke away from the red eyed man

He charged at the happened so fast to the human eye, you wouldn't of seen it.

But I'm not normal..well,not anymore. The man in black moved quickly using his knife to cut off the arm that held the was impressive how clean the cut was. Not even the Orange head know what happened until it already happened.

"Stay out of my master's way,please" the man in black say blankly first time I heard him talk

Orange head collapsed to the ground with a cry of pain.

"It's agony! Please! If your going to kill me give me the death they had!" Lord Kelvin begged dragging himself the the boy holding on to his shoe

" the death they had?" The boy questions shaking the man insane man off his leg and stepping on his head.

"Then you'd best prostrate yourself like the worm you are, and beg a demon" he said pointing the gun at him

"Please, don't kill him!!" The Orange haired boy begged "whatever else he may be, his our Savior!"

"abandoned by our parents...abandoned by our state!" He started " he saved us from our daily fear of starvation! We have lots of brothers and sisters back at the workhouse! Who are still young!"

"They can't live without him so-" orange was cut off

"So that's why you kidnapped all the children? To save your own skins, you obeyed him and sacrificed others" the boy said his back facing the Orange boy

"That's right" orange boy admitted "England is a living hell for people born like us, we had nothing--no money for bread, no arms to shield our friends"

I shift to the side to get a better look at the Orange hair and eyed him with a slight glare trying to hold in my growl.

" but father rescued us from the streets, " he continued " gave us hands and feet to protect those we care about,that's why we decided to live even if another hell is waiting for us"

That time I couldn't hold it in I growled but it was low, I was furious as he tried to find a justified reason they shouldn't kill the man right, where he laid.

"I've known all along that what we're doing is wrong" orange said looking down in shame " but I... "

"You aren't wrong" the eye patched boy said looking at the Orange headed boy from out the corner of his eye" you fought to protect your world,what's wrong with that?"

The Orange haired boy looked up surprised

"In the end, " justice" is just a official line taken by those in power to serve their own ends" the boy said bluntly " no one's looking after others, if your careless,you'll be robbed"

I felt the tension in the room thicken ever second, I watched what's happening in front of me.

"There's two kinds of people in this world" the eye patched boy began " those who steal, and those who are stolen from..and today, I stole your futures..that's all this is"

Orange boy broke into a fit of laughter collapsing to the ground.

"Yeah, your right" he smirked

The man in black eyed the boy who looked like a joker.

"But guess what? You two will lose something precious tonight, too....the troupe is on its way to your mansion!" Joker smirked

The boy gasped slightly

" how do you think we captured all those kids without getting caught? All the witnesses disappear"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2016 ⏰

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