chapter 1

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Chapter 1


Fourteen Years Later

"Ready kids?" Linda asked, (I call her mom since I am her favorite kid of all the childern, even though she works and we both live in a orphanage, she calls all the kids her children, I am the only one to call her mom) as we lined up to get on the buss to take a field trip to the museum of old structured animal bones.

"Yes, Linda," We all said in unison. By we, I mean all my friends in the tiny orphanage on 67th street. That includes:

Jerry( a very kind friend I have known since I was left at the doorstep of the orphanage, he is two years older than me, he is sixteen now, since I am fourteen),

Jesse ( a rude , but funny friend of mine he gets side tracked easily he is also two years older than me), Loren-a very sweet and gentle kid , she gets along with almost everyone , except for Joseph. Her brother. but aside from that she is really sweet,she is one year older than me.

Which then brings me to Joseph ( a rude annoying and really bad flirt freak). He likes this girl that visits once in awhile, she has purple hair and ocean blue eyes, at least that's what he says, but I always tell him fat chances.

I once talked to the girl that visits she said that her name was scarlet. I always like the name it was good for her.

Anyway ,where was I? Oh, yes. We quickly filed into the big school buss. We were sharing it with a different orphanage . Which was not O.K. With me but I kept my cool as we walked through the crowded buss to find empty seats. I quickly spotted two empty seats and lied down across them. As I lied there I wondered about where I came from why I was left at an orphanage. I heard the buss start but then it stopped again. I sat up to see what was going on and I realized there was another small group of kids coming onto the buss. I looked out the window to see and realized we had stopped at another orphanage. What?, I thought, that's not possible we didn't even go anywhere. I turned back to see who was coming onto the buss. My eyes spotted her and I couldn't rip my eyes away, she looked so much like me, black hair, lavender eyes, very pale skin.

Our eyes locked as she then spotted me too.

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