Lets Bake A Cake!

Start from the beginning

~One Week Later~

Kill someone, you know you want to. Rip out their guts and string them up, stab out their eyes, watch them bleed. Stop. You want to see them bleed. Kill them. Stop...You have a knife, use it. No. Remember when you ripped that guys heart out, the feel of the blood on your hands, the smell. You miss that don't you? N-No. There's so many ways to kill someone, kill, kill, kill! No, stop, just stop.

I locked myself in my room for a week, everyone's worried but I refuse to open my door, Ian doesn't know...he was busy, the nurses told me he was really sorry, but they didn't tell him about me. They were too afraid of what I would do if they told.

After a few minutes of silence, I sighed in relief, the voice was finally gone. I got up out of the corner and go over to the door, slowly opening it. I close my eyes at the hallway light, squinting to see as I stepped out. The hall was empty, quiet. I look back at my door and wonder whether I should go back in or not, but that idea instantly goes away at the sound of someone calling my name.

"Derp, hey you alright? Tyler told me you had a little panic attack or something, I'm so sorry I wasn't here dood." Ian comes up and hugs me.

I look at him and smile slightly, Ian letting go to hold my hand. Suddenly, he starts pulling me somewhere, I don't question where we're going, I just follow. Ian takes me to the door of the kitchen, letting go of my hand before going in, I just stand there waiting for him.

"You coming?" He opens the door and looks at me.

"I'm not allowed in there..." I say quietly.

Ian laughs, "I asked the nurses, they said you can, but only for today, and I had to promise you wouldn't take anything."

I sigh before going in, Ian excitedly goes over to the fridge and starts pulling things out.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"We're going to make a cake! I thought it would...make you happy?" He says, I smile at him.

I laugh as he clumsily puts all the ingredients on the counter, to help him I grab a bowl and some spoons, a pan and other baking stuff.

Ian turns on the oven, "You remember how to make a cake right?" He asks, coming over to me and starting to put stuff in the bowl.

"Of course I do!" I retort.

Ian laughs, "Can you mix this for me?" He hands me the bowl and a spoon before going to the cabinets to look for something.

I stir the batter, Ian returning with a spray can and spraying the cake pan. After he's done, he takes the bowl from me and starts pouring the batter.

"You can start making the icing if you want." He looks at me, taking the spoon away so he can get all the batter into the pan.

I grin, "Are you sure you want me to do that?" I laugh.

Ian looks at me confused for a second but starts laughing when he gets it, "Oh come on dood, I get asked that every day."

"Still?" I get another bowl out and other stuff to make the icing.

"Still, I told you they loved you...all those comments about you are just trolls trying to get attention." He tells me.

I laugh nervously, "Heh, Y-yeah...trolls." I stutter.

After I'm done making the icing, Ian and I wait for the cake to bake, sitting on the floor with our backs against the counter, we just talk for awhile.

Soon, the timer rings and we both jump up, Ian going over to the oven while I jump around excited. Ian laughs at my childish behavior. Ian takes out the cake and lays it down on the counter before going to get something else. I grab the spoon and splat the icing onto the cake and rub the spoon around on the top to spread it around.
I put the spoon down back into the bowl and turn around, but jump back away from Ian when I see him holding a knife.

"What's wrong? You wanna cut the cake, or do you feel more comfortable with me doing it?" He asks.

"N-No, I can do it..." I say, reaching out and grabbing the knife.

"Hey, you did a good job icing the cake. A lot better than last time!" He laughs.

"Yeah..." I wasn't really paying attention, I was too busy staring at the knife.

Kill him...

"Derp? You sure you're okay?" He asks in concern.

Do it, kill him...you know you want to.

"Hello!? Anyone home?" Ian waves his hand in front of my face.

Kill...him. It will make you feel better.

"Will it?" I say out loud, Ian looks at me confused.

"What are you talking about?" He asks, "M-Maybe I should take the knife...okay?" He reaches out to take it but I back away.

Kill him, make him bleed! Do it!

"Okay." Ian walks over to me, I suddenly try to stab him but he dodges.

Ian grabs my hand as I try to stab the knife into his neck, "Derp, stop!" He yells.

I just smile and laugh.

Kill him!

Ian pushes me and backs away, I rush up to him but he grabs a frying pan that was left out and hits me in the head. And everything goes black.

I open my eyes and see I'm in a room, the room is a bright white, and in the middle of the room is Aspen.

"Hi." He says.

"What happened?" I ask.

Aspen smiles, coming up to me, "You had a mental breakdown, and your brother was only trying to help..." He responds.

"I know what he did, and I deserved it." I admit.

Aspen frowns, "No you don't, no one deserves anything bad, but bad things happen. But that doesn't mean it can't be good."

"How's this good!?" I exclaim.

"You didn't kill him, that's a good thing. He still loves and wants to help you, that's a good thing." Aspen explains.

"I...guess." I agree with him.

Aspen smiles again, "It's time to go back now, oh and Derp...don't be afraid to ask for help." He tells me, I nod.

Aspen turns and walks away, disappearing into the endless white room before I pass out, AGAIN!

Everything is blurry, and it feels like the world is spinning. I can barely see Ian and I can't understand what he's saying, or yelling I guess. I try and reach out to him, but the more I moved the more dizzy I felt. I couldn't even raise my arm up to him, I'm too...weak...too pathetic.

I tried to kill Ian...I'm too dangerous. What did I do!? Why did I do that...You did it because you're a monster.

I can't hear Ian very well but I think he's yelling my name, but I can't really tell. Darkness start to slowly close in on me, and I can feel something run down my face from my head...blood. More people come in and start yelling, but Ian ignores them. Suddenly, I feel a hot burning pain in my head, a light purple color starting to cover my vision, the voices now becoming more clear. I give up on trying to stay awake and just close my eyes, ignoring the yells not to.

I hope I die.

A/N ... #SorryNotSorry?

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