Chapter 11:Sleep and arguing

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As the bus stops I notice it's raining outside. That means we have to walk quite a few feet to reach the entrance because all the parking was taken. " my precious hair will get ruined." Joe says as he sighs. "Well I don't want to get my hair ruined either." Tori says as she looks at Joe. "Well, time to test our agility." I say unbuckling my seatbelt. "I'm making a run for it." I say looking at Pete, Joe, Andy and Tori. "You can't run!" Tori says laughing. "Yes I can! Watch meh!" I say being all serious. I climb over Patrick and open the door. "See you there!" I say and I dart out of the bus. I knew I ran fast, I ran up to the door and I was hardly wet, I think I only ran for 4 seconds at least. I give everyone a little wave and I walk into the hotel. The heated air hits my face and I walk a little bit into the lobby before I heard Pete. "YES! I KNEW I WOULD BEAT YOU!" I hear Pete yell. "I was still fast though." Tori says walking in behind Pete. "Are they coming?" I say to Pete and Tori. "Yeah, they came out after us." Pete says wiping his wet shoes on the mat near the door. Then I hear Joe and Andy and Patrick come in. "MY PRECIOUS HAIR!" Joe yells and I laugh, his hair was soaked and to me, that was funny. "I care about my hair too, but right now I care about sleep." Tori says walking up the stairs. We all follow her and we make it to the hotel room. Everyone eventually takes a shower and changes into their pajamas. I yet again wear a silky tank top and shorts. Tori wears a nightgown again and the guys wear a T-shirt and shorts. We all had most of the lights off now except for two of the nightstand lamps. Tori already lays down in the bed. "AHHH, finally! A mattress and blankets is my bestie right now." She says relaxing on her back. I'm looking out the window and I watch the rain. "Rain rain go away." Joe says coming up beside me. "She's singing baby come home in a melody of tears as the rhythm of the rain keeps time." I say singing and laughing. Joe breaks into a loud singing voice. "I REMEMBER BABY COME HOME I REMEMBER BABY COME HOME!" Joe says singing and he's trying to sound like an opera man. We both laugh. "Not bad Joe." I say laughing and high fiving him. Joe yawns and looks away from the window. "As much as I love singing like an opera expertise I wanna sing my way to bed." Joe says laying down on the couch. "Me too, I'm really tired and so is my arms." Andy says rolling over on his side.

Pete gets into the right bed with Tori. I'm still by the window and I make my way over to the left bed. I see Patrick already there, but he looks extremely nervous. "Is something wrong?" I say as I sit on my side of the bed. "Are you s...sure you're okay with t...this?" Patrick says shaking a little. "Patrick, I'm positive that I'm okay!" I say putting my hand on his shoulder. Patrick smiles and lays completely down on his back. I turn of the light and I lay on my side. Just then, I heard a loud boom of thunder. And, like an idiot I am, I scream like a scared little girl. "NOOOOOO!" Tori yells and she grunts. "What's wrong?" Pete and Patrick both say at the same time. "She's terrified of thunder!" Tori says. "I can't get sleep with her being scared!" Tori says whining. "I..I'm sorry but thunder is my w..worst fear." I say stumbling my words. "Thunder is more scarier than death?" Pete says looking surprised. "Yes, I have b..bad memories of thunder." I say almost sobbing. "She'll get over it at some point, just go back to sleep." Tori says as she turns off her light. I start to cry into my pillow. The reason I was afraid of thunder was because my dad was afraid of loud sounds. When I was a child I went with him somewhere in his car and it was thunderstorming. It thundered so loud that my dad panicked and crashed off the side of the road, I got injured but lived but my dad died, and every time I hear thunder I think of my dad dying. "Sweetheart, I'm here, don't worry." I hear Patrick whispering into my ear. I sob even more. "I'm scared Patrick." I say whispering while sobbing at the same time. "Shhhhhhhh." Patrick says while putting his arms around me and pulling me very close to him. I rest my head on Patrick's chest again and I cry into his shirt. The thunder sounds again and I move beside Patrick even more. "I'm sorry I'm ruining your shirt." I say still crying and hiding my face. "Oh, sweetheart, it's okay." Patrick says kissing my forehead. Yet again, I hear thunder and this time my body shakes. I am terrified at this point, I miss my dad so much. Patrick holds me even tighter than before. "I've got you and I'm not letting you go." Patrick says matching his nose up with mine. "It's just that I need someone to comfort me's just that..I" I sob again and Patrick lifts up my head and kisses me again with those warm lips. "I love you Anna, and I'll always be here to comfort you no matter what the problem is." Patrick says as he kisses me again. My tears instantly change into happy tears. I trusted Patrick completely at this point. "Patrick, you don't even know how thankful I am for you. I love you more.....patty cakes." I say, and this is the first time I call Patrick something else other than his real name. "That's a sweet nickname." Patrick says giggling a little bit. As he was saying that, I had the most dumbest question that popped into my head, but I wanted to ask because in a way, it always helped me feel loved by someone. I can't believe what I'm about to ask but here it goes,

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