Chapter 9:Hotel Room in NYC

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As we wait for Pete to come back we all start talking to each other about random things, as we sit on the long couch. "So.....YOU LIKE PETE?" Joe says looking a little surprised. Tori blushes and looks down. "W...well I kinda do...he's just so...." Tori's face is completely red and she looks embarrassed, she didn't even finish her sentence. "Cute and hot?" I say finishing her sentence, giving her a closed smile. "Well......yeah!" Tori says looking up again. "Well, this is so cute. If you and Pete go out, I will die of cuteness." Andy says giggling with that angel voice he has. "I don't know if he likes me back, and I still feel kinda weird sleeping know." Tori says looking at me. Why would she look at me? "Or you could just sleep on the floor...." I say widening my eyes. "NO! I can't stand the floor!" Tori says yelling a little bit. "Well, I'm not giving my couch up." Joe says with a smirk. "Me either, the other couch is mine!" Andy says crossing his arms and smiling. "Why do I feel like you both did that intentionally?" Patrick says looking at Joe and Andy as he rearranges his bangs and fedora. "Well, for one thing, I'm not sleeping with you again Patrick because you always end up with your arms around me and it's weird! Plus you like....." Joe got cut off by Patrick. "Shut up, and don't judge the way I sleep." Patrick says looking a little irritated but he was blushing. "Hey guys!" Pete says coming in with all our food. "FOOD BOY!" Andy says running up to grab his stuff. "Food boy? Nah, just call me Pete dude." Pete says laughing a bit. Everyone gets their food and they start eating. As we eat, Pete continues to stare at Tori, but she never notices.

As Tori was done eating she gets up and throws her stuff away and Pete gets up near the same time. Tori sits down at the right bed and gets on her phone. Pete continues to unpack. "Hey guys,  Andy and I are going to bring our instruments to the arena. We'll be right back." Joe says finishing up and he grabs the instrument cases. "See you later!" Pete says waving at both of them as they leave the hotel. At this point, the only ones in the room are Pete, Tori, Patrick and I. "What did you guys do when I was gone? It took forever to order all your preferences!" Pete says whining a little. Tori glared at Patrick and I. We both knew what we talked about. "Uhh....." Patrick says, I think he is trying to make something up. "I know what you guys were talking about!" Pete says smiling at all of us. "YOU DO?!" Tori says kinda yelling. Pete gives her a weird look. "How did you know?" I say asking a little nervously because he couldn't have known. "Guys! I'm just kidding! How could I have known and why do you all look nervous? Patrick is it because you're going to sleep...." Yet again, Patrick cuts him off. "No! Why are you even thinking about that?!" Patrick says blushing again and he sounds irritated. "Gosh dude, calm down!" Pete says laughing. "Just so you know Ruthster, Patrick sleeps weird, he clings on to you like a teddy bear!" Pete laughs and Tori kinda giggles. Patrick glares at Pete while looking embarrassed. "What?!?! It's true! He wraps his arms around you and just hold you all night! It's weird!" Pete says laughing so hard now. "Pete.....please stop." Patrick says looking down.

"Fine fine!" Pete says still smiling as he got done unpacking. I just then got a text from Andy.

Andy 😝: Hey Anna! Joe and I are going to explore New York, so you guys have plenty of time to yourselves before the concert! See you at 5:00 and tell this to Patrick, Pete and Tori.

"Hey guys, I just got a text from Andy saying we have time to ourselves. Oh and he said see you at 5:00 so we have time." I say putting my phone down. "Great! So what are we going to do?" Pete asks. "I wanted to go to that cool fitness place where you go through the obstacles." Tori says looking excited. "Would you mind if I went with you?" Pete says looking into Tori's eyes. "I'd love that, Pete." She says, and I can clearly tell she is blushing. "Then let's go!" Pete says and Tori grabs her wrist let. "Bye guys!" Tori says giving us a little wave. "Bye!" Patrick and I say at the same time. They leave and now it's just Patrick and I. I look at Patrick and he is smiling with those gorgeous eyes sparkling in the light. I sit down on the couch and think, I don't know what to do. I kinda felt nervous....I didn't really know if Patrick would want to do what I wanted or if he wanted to do anything. Patrick makes his was over to me and he sits beside me. "What do you want to do sweetheart?" Patrick asks. I quickly smile, I just realized that Patrick called me sweetheart. I look over at him and he's smiling again, that cute smile, that loving smile. That's the one that gets me every time. "Whatever you want to do." I say getting lost in his eyes. Patrick looks like he's blushing. I turn my head looking out of one of the huge windows. "Are you sure you wanna do what I wanna do?" Patrick says as I turn my head. He's really blushing now, I don't really know why. "I'm sure it's just as fun as what I want to do, but I think we should do what you want to do!" I say more excitedly. I didn't know what he wanted to do, but whatever it was, I would do it to make him happy.

All of a sudden, Patrick leans into me and locks his lips on mine. He takes his arms and wrap them around me back. I am screaming inside, I can't believe what's happening. I'm so ecstatic and I just decide to enjoy what's going on. I take my arms and wrap them around Patrick's neck. We were actually making out, like our lips are moving on each other's, like actually making out for real. I start having a feeling of my lips being tickled and I start to laugh. "Why are you laughing?" Patrick says having a glowing face of happiness. "You were tickling my lips!" I say laughing and Patrick is giving me that cute smile again. Patrick leans in again and I feel his warm lips touch my lips softly. I fall over down on my back on the couch and Patrick falls on me. My arms are still wrapped around his neck as I laughed and this time, I'm the one who kisses him, that means I lean into him. "I love you." Patrick says still being on top of me but he is holding himself up by balancing on his hands. "I love you so much more!" I says smiling. Patrick blushes again. "So that was what you wanted to do today?" I say giggling and smiling. "Well....I wasn't planning on it but I had to at some point." Patrick says laughing and his face is glowing with joy. Patrick pulls me up and yet again kisses me and I feel sweet warmness in my soul.

After Word: THIS IS THE BEST CHAPER IV'E WRITTEN! I can't believe I know this much about kissing..... 😂 Happy Reading! -Crystal

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