Chapter 8:Wintour

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"Hey....Time to get up..." I hear a whisper and I take my pillow and put it over my head. I didn't want to get up. I was having a great dream and I needed to finish it. "Anna, sweetie, you have to get up, we're performing today..." I hear the same whisper and this time I knew it was Patrick. Who else would call me sweetie? I grunt a little and sit up and run my dreary eyes. I yawn and stretch and finally stand up. Patrick gives me a soft kiss on the cheek as a friendly good morning. I can't help but smile, he always brightens my day. As I turn around to the other couch, I notice Pete and Tori are....cuddling??? They were both asleep but they were so cute. I looked at Patrick and we both look at them, Patrick winks and I nod my head. We both knew that they were cute together, and they also had to get up. I though it would be funny to do the same thing to them as Patrick did to me. I walk over to both of them quietly and stand over them. "Pete...Tori, time to open your eyelids!" I say whispering, this was too funny. I get nothing. "Pete...sweetie...GET UP!" I yell and they both wake up startled. I laugh and they look confused. "Hey?! What's wrong?!?" Pete says jumping off the couch. I continue to laugh. "You guys are touring today, you gotta get up!" I say giving them a half smile and smirk. "I was sleeping good until you woke me, whatever pillow I was that was a good pillow, and no one is taking it because it's mine!" Tori says looking around on the couch. She didn't realize Pete was her pillow. "Cmon guys, where's the pillow?" She says, and Patrick and I both laugh. "If you wanna know where your pillow is then ask Pete." Patrick said winking at her, this girl had no clue.

"What?!?!" Tori said looking confused. "Tori, Pete was your pillow, you two were cuddling!" I say giving them a glowing grin. "W...what?" Pete says blushing. Tori has her mouth open, I think she was shocked. "You two were quite cute, you should do that more often!" Joe says laughing as he sips his coffee. "What are you guys getting at? Shouldn't Patrick and Anna be the ones cuddling? I'm sure this was just a simple mistake!" Pete says blushing, and he seems to be talking a little shakezishly. "Whatever, I know what's going on hereeee." Andy exaggerates and he smiles and winks at Pete and Tori. "Look, we need to get ready so you guys can perform, I still don't know what you guys are talking about." Tori leaves the main area to get dressed and I follow her. As we both pick out our outfits, I decide to ask Tori an interesting set of questions.....hehe.
"So......did you get a good sleep last night?" I ask her in a more lovely way, just to get her attention. "Well.....yeah...why?" She looks a little embarrassed. "Okay, because you and Pete..." I got cut off. "Oh my god just shut up! We didn't do it to make a scene!" She says getting a little argumentative. "WE didn't do anything to make a scene? I thought you said it was un intentional!" I said laughing a little. This was funny. "Anna Ruth.....please stop." Tori says looking upset. Fine, I guess I could. "Okay, sorry. Let's go." We both walk out of the room and carry our stuff near the exit door. The bus had already stopped at the hotel. I was so excited, touring with Fall Out Boy is going to be awesome! "Okay guys lets go!" Andy says leaving the bus with his stuff and I follow him. Andy and I are the only ones who made it to the hotel room. "Are they coming or....?" I say because we got in here at a reasonable time. Andy laughs and unpacks at the same time. "Anna, it takes them forever to get in here. I'm already unpacked and done before they ever get in here." We both laugh and wait for them. Finally Joe comes in. "Finally! What were you all doing?" Andy says and I just laugh. "Andy and I are much faster than you, shouldn't you be jealous?" I smile at Joe and he shakes his head. "Oh, I'm not jealous but Pete and Patrick should!" Joe says throwing his bags on the floor. Patrick, Pete and Tori come in. "Oh my goodness! We thought we lost you!" Andy says putting his hands on his face and pretending to be surprised. "What do you guys do before you get on here." I say laughing as I sit down at the hotel rooms' kitchen table. "Probably talk about random stuff." Joe says. "Wait a minute, you were on that bus too, Joe, so whatcha doing on there?!" I say and Andy and I laugh, and we high five each other. That's friend goals for you.

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