Ocean of Pink and Red

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Btw, I know the ages are off, it just makes more sense if they're the ages I set them. Thank you. The picture above is someone new mentioned in the story, you'll see who (and I hope you recognize who the person is tbh.)

"Just one more drink," challenged the demon on my shoulder. "It can't hurt." I looked around to see dozens of bottles around me, more appearing seemingly out of nowhere. "That's right." Taunted the demon. I began to feel dizzier and dizzier until I heard a crash.

"Tyler!" I shot up, drenched in sweat on my living room floor. "Get the hell up, man." There was banging on my door and yelling from my friend Frank. I groaned and tried to stand up, but ended up falling back down and seeing spots. Hungover again. "The fuck you waiting on, bro, we don't got all day." But we do. I ended up getting up and to the door, stumbling along the way. When I finally opened it I felt blinded by sunlight. "Yo, what's wrong with you?" Frank stepped back, causing even more sunlight to burn out my eyes. "Just hung over a bit. Mind telling me what you woke me up for?" I ran a hair through my slightly greasy hair, noting myself to shower once Frank gets off my ass.

"I was going to see if you wanted to get a drink real quick and then head over to Gerard's to help set up for his party tonight." A drink does sound pretty good. "Yeah," I nodded. "Just let me shower real quick. Make yourself at home." I turned around and felt instant relief from being away from the sunlight. I heard Frank plop down on the couch, soon followed by the sound of the television. 

As soon as I turned on the shower and stepped in I wanted to melt into a puddle- so I did. Kinda. I sat on the floor and let the water fall down my face and onto my body. I reached over to my phone and clicked shuffle on my music. "Rain" by Hollywood Undead came on and I decided I wanted to shower without crying so I just turned it back off.

30 minutes later I heard a knock on the door and woke up. "You jacking off in there?" Frank asked. "Fuck off, I fell asleep." He chuckled, "Who falls asleep in the shower? You know what, I don't care. Just hurry up." I turned off the water and quickly dried off and got dressed. Looking over myself in the mirror I realised how dark the bags under my eyes have gotten and the sag of my skin. Yikes I look depressing. "C'mon, man." Frank rushed me. "Go ahead, I'm just gonna grab something for my head real quick." He nodded and I turned to find a pill of relief.

The walk to the bar took longer than I wished it would. Frank decided to talk nonstop about how many girls he banged during the weekend and even went into excruciating detail. If he didn't get me into Gerard's parties you bet your ass I wouldn't hang with him at all. "And then her dad chased me across his lawn while I was just in my underwear, it was sick, bro." I started to laugh a bit then stopped, noticing the pressure it put on my head. I took a sip of my drink and then caught Frank staring over my shoulder, and I turned out of sheer curiosity. What I saw was definitely worth the head turn. A man with an ocean of pink and red for hair walked in and took the breath out of me.

"You should go talk to him." Frank suggested, and it didn't take me long to do it. I walked over to the man and suddenly he looked over to me and smiled. "Hi, I'm Tyler." I said, keeping my cool. "Hey, Tyler. I'm Josh." I noticed his arm and just... wow. "N-nice ink." He smiled, looking at me sleeveless arms. "Thanks, you too." He bit his lip. "Want anything to drink? On me." I shook my head. "Nah, I already have something. I'm here with my friend Frank." His head pops up. "Wait, Frank Iero?" Maybe he knows him, that'd be cool. "Yeah, you know him?" He nodded his head. "Wish I didn't. Sorry, but I have to go now." Shit. He started to stand up. "W-wait!" I stuttered out. "Can I at least get your number?" " I'm afraid not." And with that he was gone. I sat with my head in my hands for a second then stood up and walked back to my table. "Guessing it didn't go so well?" Frank teased me. "Fuck off, man." I took a few big sips of the alcohol until my cup was empty. "Let's just go to Gerard's now." He nodded and sat some money on the table.

When we to Gerard's place we saw he already had Oliver and some guy I didn't know helping him. "Guess he doesn't like waiting." Frank mumbled in agreement. "Ay, Gerard! Who's the kid?" I looked back at the unfamiliar face and realised Frank had every right to call him a kid- he couldn't be older than 16. Finally I won't be the youngest, though. With me being 18, Frank being 24, Gerard 25, and Oliver 21 I was the fetus. "This is Josh Zare, new guy. Say hey to Tyler and Frank."My head shot up when Gerard spoke his name and Josh nodded to us. "So you guys still need any help?" I asked and Gee shook his head. "Nah, people should start showing up in around 30 minutes anyways."

In the middle of playing video games I felt a tap on my shoulder. "I head Jack and his guys are coming." Oliver said. "I fuckin' hope not." Anger burnt up in me as I remembered Gee's last party. Alex, Jack, Ryan, and Patrick decided to start some shit and split up half the group. Now the only ones on Gee's side are me, Pete, Brendon, Frank, Oliver, and now Josh. "Yeah. Heard they got a new man. Kinda funny his name is Josh too." I dropped my controller. "Have you seen the new guy?" I asked fastly, images of the first friendly smile I've seen in a year going through my head. "Nah, why?" I sighed, "No reason."

Sweaty bodies were everywhere and I had some spilled drink on my shirt, but I didn't care. All I did was watch the door, waiting to see if it was the Josh I hoped for. Why do I even care so much? He's only some guy that turned me down at the bar. But I just couldn't get his smile out of my head. 45 minutes seemed long enough and just as I was about to leave I saw it. That ocean of pink and red walked in the door... sadly I couldn't see it for long as a certain Jack blocked the way. "Who you looking for?" He asked in a tone that made it obvious he was trying to get on my nerves. "Is it your girlfriend," He smiled. "Oh, wait. That's right. You don't have one." Alex and Ryan laughed and Patrick was too busy sneaking off with Pete.

"I'm looking to make sure I took the trash out but looks like it found its way back in." That would have sounded cooler if I didn't stutter through the whole thing. "Wait," A voice from the group stood out. "Tyler?" Josh came through and Jack glanced between the two of us. "Oh, God. You two didn't fuck, did you?" He sneered. Josh was about to deny it when I spoke up, "Why, does it bother you? Surely he wasn't such a homophobe when Alex had you on all fours, right Alex?" Alex and Jack turned bright red and Josh held back a laugh. "Go suck a dick." Jack said then ran off, Alex and Ryan soon following. I turned towards Josh who was trying to look angry. "I don't think we've met properly yet." I stuck my hand out. "I'm Teeler." Josh laughed. "I'm Jishwa."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2016 ⏰

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