11 - Stupidity

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All thanks to my stupid emotions, I lost Nicki momentarily. A few weeks have passed since I saw her personally, and she was true to her word when she said she'll see me when I got myself together. Sometimes, when my day isn't so hectic, I'd go over to the dress shop where she works and just stare inside as she works. She'd look up and we'd have eye contact for about two seconds before she ignores me entirely.

It hurt me a lot, but I was the one who started it. I should've just been friends with her until Luke and I broke up. If we ever would have.

I ended up finishing off the first tub of ice cream, and I was working on the second one on a Saturday night when my doorbell rung. Still carrying the tub, I walked to the door and opened it without asking who it was.

Nicki stood on my doorstep, in my sweater she had took. She avoided all eye contact as she slid by me inside.

"I forgot my jacket," she stated before heading towards my room.

I followed her, setting the tub on the coffee table in the living room. She got her jacket from in my closet, because I hung it up, and was about to walk out when I blocked her.

"Nicki, we need to talk," I said, gathering up my courage.

"Now you want to talk?" She questioned, with a bit of attitude. "You waited for three weeks to talk to me, Jessica? I thought you wanted me?"

"I do! That's why I wanted to talk."

"If you did, you would've talked to me within the next few days. Not almost a month later!"

"I wanted to, I really did! But I didn't know what to say!"

Nicki rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Now can I go? I have things to do."

"What things?"

"None of your business. Now excuse me."

I was about to let her through when I came to my senses. If she wanted me to talk to her, then I will.

I took a few steps in the room, causing Nicki to take some back, and I shut and locked the room door.

"What are you doing?! I'm going to be late messing with you!" Nicki almost shouted.

"So be it. Nicki, I've missed you! I regret acting like that over Luke, but I had to! And I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable and not listening to you! I'm sorry I've been a terrible friend towards you for the past few weeks. If I could take it all back, I would. Please forgive me, Nicki? Please? I want you to be home with me, I want to be cuddled up with you, I want to finish that ice cream down there with you! Just please forgive me!"

Nicki looked into both of my eyes before slightly smiling. "I forgive you, Jessica."


"Yeah, baby. Honestly, these weeks have been killing me too. Not being able to call you or take you out to lunch or anything. I've suffered too."

"I know. I was being such an ašs towards you, Nicki."

Nicki tossed her jacket on the bed before pulling me down so I could kiss her. It was a soft and tender kiss, but it showed how much Nicki missed me.

"Don't ever do something as stupid as that ever again," Nicki muttered against my lips.

"I won't," I replied, giving her a few more kisses before fully pulling away.

"What did you have to do?" I asked, unlocking the room door.

"Nothing. I was only telling you that in hopes that you wouldn't care."

I was about to walk out the room when Nicki pulled me back and pushed the door close.

"What?" I questioned.

Nicki went and sat on the bed, crossing her legs and propping herself up with her arms. "I haven't been near you in almost a month. You're gonna make it up to me."

In a trance, I walked over to Nicki and kissed her deeply, making her fall back on the bed softly...


Nicki laid on my chest, trying to control her breathing from our activities. I pulled the covers up to cover both of us.

"What are we?" Nicki quietly asked.


"What are we?" She repeated. "Are we dating? Together? I'm confused."

"I am too. I don't know what we are," I agreed.

"My point exactly. So what are we?"

"What do you want us to be?"

Nicki bit her bottom lip, sitting up so we could look into each other's eyes. "Well, I would like for you to be my girlfriend, Jessica."


"I was gonna say wife, but I know you're not ready for that," she giggled.

I smiled up at her. "Yes."


"Yes, I'll be your girlfriend."

Nicki grinned before giving me a huge kiss. "I promise to be the best girlfriend you'll ever have."

"Same with you."

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