Chapter Three: The Giant Canoe

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When I awoke, I was no longer upside down, which was good since I don't think I could've taken much more time in that position. How that Alfred had held me up for so long without breaking a sweat is beyond me. But not being upside down was a small victory, since I was no longer in the forest. I was in some... wooden structure tied by oddly rough vines to a wooden chair. Panic arose in my breast as I realized I was cut off from my home. There were no openings for me to see the lush green that I was so used to. A shrill scream ripped through my throat, ensuring no one could ignore me.

"Bloody hell, for a savage you have a damn high voice," the Arthur person said calmly as he entered the room.

"I'm not a savage!" I insist, huffing back at the odd man, "Now you need to let me go from... where ever we are and get out of here, she will lead you to kill each other!"
"I would never kill my brothers, she-devil," he spits back.

~Arthur's POV~

As a I inspected the woman in front of me I began to realize... she was beautiful. Truly an exotic find, but she is also quite willful and free. Perhaps, even a little crazy, considering the nonsense about this supposed woman who will cause us all to die.

"Maybe if you started to make sense, I would consider letting you go after we've left this secluded little bay," I glared down at her, arms crossed, "Now, why are you on this island?"

"It is my home! You should tell me why you're here!" Her (e/c) orbs glared at me with a fire rivaling even that of a volcano. 

"Is there anyone else on this island, or just you?" I ignore her inquiry for the time being, finding it more necessary for her to answer mine.

"Only me and... her," the islander's eyes seemed to lose all life and fire when she responded, "She killed the rest of my tribe when I was too young to learn much... many men like you have come here over the years... she casts a spell on them. Then they kill each other. Mothers betray daughters, fathers betray sons," she looked up at me with what I can only describe as hopelessness and pity, "brothers betray brothers." I grit my teeth as my glare hardened to veil the mild panic that caused butterflies to invade my stomach. The girl opened her mouth to continue, "My village was destroyed by her. I am only still alive because my parents did not trust her. I run everyday, keep her busy so she does not seek a means to leave this place."

"You say... all of the sailors who have come to this island have died because of this woman?" My voice was harsh. 

"Every single one," the girl nodded.

"What is your name?" She looked mildly taken aback by my question, searching through her memory. It must have been so long since anyone has asked for it. Perhaps she has forgotten.

"(Y)...(Y/n)," she answered as if unsure of it herself. What an odd name for someone on an island such as this.

"I am Arthur Kirkland, captain of the English Gent," my features softened as I took off my hand and bowed slightly to the tied up woman, "Now would you mind telling me the name of this woman you keep referring to?" (Y/n)'s beautiful (e/c) eyes grew wide in fear.

"She doesn't have a name and if she did I would not dare speak it, for risk of summoning her," her words were mumbled and neigh incoherent but I managed to make out what I could. 

"What is she, some kind of demon?" I joked, a bit of a chuckle to my voice.

To my surprise, the attractive woman in front of me looked at me with terrified eyes and nodded, "Close enough, if not the devil itself."

"How old are you?" I raised a brow, thinking she must simply look older than she was if she was spewing nonsense about demons.

"Three hundred and sixteen, if I have been counting the days right," she answered casually, after spending a moment in thought.

"Months?" Wouldn't that make her older than the twenty some year old I had her pegged for? Forty three if I was doing my math correctly.

"Years," she corrected with a tilt of her head, "How old are you? Four hundred?" The attractive and young looking woman in front of me was three hundred and sixteen years old?! How on earth-? And now she was asking me my age as if hers was normal!

"God, no! I'm only twenty two!" The look she sent me was one of odd fascination.

"So... you age faster than normal?" She questioned innocently.

"Every normal person ages like me!" I exclaimed, "How on earth do you remain so young when you are so old?!"

"Well... there is a pond on the island. She won't go near it because its waters hurt her," (Y/n) explained, "my home is set up next to it. My parents told me that we're not supposed to drink the water, lest we leave everyone we knew or loved to die. I have to drink it, so I can keep her on the island, away from anyone else she could hurt." Her words hit me like a cannon, she knows where the bloody fountain of youth is

"These other sailors you were talking about earlier, you spied on them too, yes?" I asked (Y/n) as politely as possible, placing my gloved hands on her bare shoulders.

"Naturally," she responded.

"And what did they say they were after?" I bent down so I could look right in those (e/c) pools of hers.

"This... fountain of youth thing," she responds, "we don't have that here."

"Yes, of course," i nodded, trying not to spook her as I unbound her hands, "Would you mind showing us your lovely home?"

"Yes," she responded, making me freeze, "No one is allowed near the pond. Especially not outsiders." Her response was to be expected. I bit my lip and attempted to come up with a way to change her rather stubborn mind. The only reason I had gotten this far was because she wanted me to. She wanted to warn me and my crew. At this point, my only hope to have her take me to her home, and subsequently the only thing in the universe that could give me eternal life, not to mention an upper hand against that sod Francis, was to have the supposed 'demoness' attack.

There are no good options today... are there?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2016 ⏰

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