01 | All I Want

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Imagine Person A leaning in to kiss Person B, who becomes flustered and quickly covers A's mouth with their hand. Bonus: A then licks the palm of B's hand.

"James... what on earth do you think you're doing?" Nadine's eyes widened as James leaned in closer to her. His eyes travelled to her lips, then held his hungry gaze onto hers. He stared at her lips once more and she felt his body shift nearer. She could feel his want, no, his need for their lips to touch. Nadine wanted James as much as he wanted her, but for some reason, she panicked.

They've been the best of friends for so long. "Partners in crime" is what they labelled each other. Did they really want to risk everything? It's not like this was relatively new. It's been going on for a couple of weeks. Nadine felt the change in the aura when she was with James. It's like he was trying to tell her something.

With what he was trying to do right now, it seems like she got the message.

He liked her. Confirmed.

Nadine's brows furrowed as she looked at James. He was still leaning into her, his eyes tightly shut. She was frozen in place. The moment when James was centimeters apart, she did something unexpected.

She covered his mouth with her hand.

What the hell, Nadine?! She immediately regretted doing it. That was her chance to kiss James off-screen for the first time. She was already familiar with the softness of James' mouth, but to feel it in private was something she's always wanted to do. Without the prying eyes of the viewers and production staff. Just the two of them, Nadine and James, against the world.

Nadine snapped out of her thoughts when she felt wetness against her palm.

"D-did you just lick my hand?" She asked bewilderedly, causing James to burst into laughter. He took Nadine's hand in his own.

"Yes, I did," James chuckled. "Sorry, Nadz, was that too quick? I'm not pressuring you or anything. It's just... you looked so beautiful. I couldn't resist," He grinned sheepishly.

Nadine felt butterflies flutter in her stomach.

She couldn't resist, as well. She pecked James on the corner of his lips.

"I lo- I appreciate everything you do for me," Nadine told him.

One day, she thought, we'll get there.

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