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My mother is currently 38 (or any other age if you're not reading this in 2016) and she started diving when she was 34, I estimate that I would know more about diving than her, why, I'll explain. I started diving when I was 9 years, my mother said to me that there was a diving summer camp and said if I was interested in it, and I said yes; that summer, I went to two summer camps, each one is for two weeks; the scuba diving and the sailing. Those were the best 4 weeks of my life. Now, where in the world would there be a sailing and scuba diving camp, Puerto Rico! ( You all thought I was American citizen, well I technically am since Puerto Rico is a territory of The United States, but what I mean is, I'm Puertorrican; and Italian, half and half; I called it Itarrican or Puertotalian, either one) after two years, I took the open water course, became certified in my birthday and yeah. I love the water, water is my life, every weekend you're going to see my hair salty af,  after a year had past, I wanted to take the Advance course , I'm writing this after I graduated from advance actually, and yeah, that's it

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