Kidnappers 2

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I would if you’re new read the first book first or this won’t make any sense. The first book is called Kiddnappers. The next bit is where we left them. ENJOY!!! ;-)

“Oh, I don’t think you will be able to talk to your little friends tomorrow” a voice said, it wasn’t Rob but a small girl in front of us. She had blonde hair, blue eyes and was much smaller than me but at the same time she looked like she was the same age as me.

“And why is that? Oh. I’m sorry you are Becky right?” she questioned.

“Yes who wants to know?” I stepped forward closer to her and Rob grabbed my wrist gently telling me to be careful.

“Nothing, I just heard something bad happened to your house and family.” My heart started to beat faster I my chest, the next thing I knew I was running as fast as I could home. I could hear Rob behind me trying to keep up, I’m not the fastest person ever but when my family or friends are involved I run very fast. I saw my door wide open and ran inside my whole house was trashed, I checked every room. My whole family was gone. I saw a note hanging on one of the doors; it’s me or your family make a choice you know where to find me. Cody.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, I could feel the tears running down my cheek. I looked up to see Rob looking down at me, he knew my family was everything to me as well as my friends, he walked over to the sofa and sat down putting his head in his hands. I couldn’t understand who was Cody and who was that girl on the path, then it hit me the girl on the path was Cody and she was out to get me again!

Chapter 1, not again

I felt like my world was spinning out of control, I went to join Rob on the sofa he was shaking his head in his hands. He mumbled something, it was only when he started to raise his voice could I hear him, “no, no, no, NO!” he shouted over and over again. He stood up and kicked the coffee table over, “sorry” he said.

“No problem, please kick more if it helps. I would” he calmed down and I made him a drink. We stayed in the silence for a while before I got up to check.

“Where do you think you’re going?” it was Rob, I looked back to see him standing up and looking down on me.

“I… I… I’m just going upstairs to check to see what they have done.” I stuttered slowly, he looks at me then at the door before answering.

“Fine but I’m coming with you, I don’t you going out my sight.” We walked upstairs and I checked each of the rooms they were all trashed but it didn’t bother me as much as Rob. He was right behind me and he wouldn’t let me have any space, so I just snapped.

“Will you just give me some space please!” it came out louder than I thought and he looked back at me shocked and hurt. “Sorry I didn’t mean to shout” I sighed.

“It’s ok we’re both a bit on edge at the moment.” He took a step back and I hugged him before going downstairs again, but before I could he grabbed my shoulder and held me back. “What’s wrong?” I asked.

“Go get a bag ready you’re not going stay here while this is happening again. Go now or I will and I know what you’re thinking and yes I will grab, anything.” He gave me a look as if to say ‘and please don’t make me’ so I decided it was best to go get it. I grabbed a t-shirt, two pairs of jeans, hairbrush, and some other stuff I would need. Thankfully it all fitted into my favorite bag, a pure black fabric bag with spider webs on.  I grabbed my iPod off the side of my bed and checked it over. It wasn’t even broken just left there “Becky if you don’t get down here now I will come up and get you.”

“Coming!” I shouted back.  I ran down after grabbing my headphones and charger. I ran down to see Rob standing at the bottom of the stairs to see him pacing backwards and forwards in front of the front room door. “Are you ok?” I slightly turned my head to the side and watched him wondering if he was going to answer me or just keep pacing. The next thing I know I hear a knock on the door, I go to answer it but Rob grabs my hand. “Go to your room and stay there, it’s for me.” He looks at me determined and angry. I nod slowly and head upstairs. I stop round the corner and try and listen.  He shuts the door, the person tries to speak but gets stopped, “Becky, you best be in your room!” he shouts making me jump miles.  I quickly run to my room and shut the door behind me, over the past few hours Rob had been getting more and more on edge and he was starting to scare me. I put my IPod on charge and fell asleep to the sound of MCR.

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