"So, you mind me asking about the camera?" Ashton said, looking at it suspiciously.

"Um, I'd rather you not ask. You don't mind being featured in a YouTube video though, right?" she said questioningly.

"Oh man, that's going on YouTube? Cool," Calum mumbled, picking it up and making weird faces. Michael joined him, until they were both just laughing, the camera long forgotten. Chelsea laughed, turning it off and putting it away.

"So I heard you guys are coming out with a new album?" Chelsea asked, with a cute inquiring look.

"Yeah, in a week or so," Luke said proudly.

"Ugh, I can't wait. But at least you guys announced it closer to the release date, unlike someone..." Chelsea turned to look accusingly at me. I put my hands up in defense.

"Hey, we never actually announced it," I said, poking her nose. She scoffed.

"Close enough, we all know it's coming, and you said it would be out before Christmas." She poked her tongue out at me.

"Okay, okay, that' enough lovebirds," Ashton joked. "Now, let's get something to eat."


"I'm too tired," Ashton mumbled into Chelsea's head. Somehow, he had managed to convince her to piggyback him to where his cab was waiting, and somehow she managed to even though he was a good bit taller.

"I know you're tired, that's why you're going home now," she said, dropping him into the front seat of a taxi.

"Wait, give me your number," he said, pulling out his phone. She quickly entered her number, handing it back, as I tried to suppress my jealousy. "Bye!" He grinned as the cab pulled away. Chelsea stood up, arching her back and moaning dramatically.

"My back... Save me..." She started to fall as I stretched my arms out, literally sweeping her off her feet. "Will you carry me now?" she asked, pouting. I grinned, unable to resist her.

"Come, my lovely lady," I said, as we made our way to our own cab. When we arrived at our hotel, I carried her up the elevator, before ungracefully tripping and dropping her on the ground.

"Ow," she mumbled, sitting up and rubbing her head. "I hit my head." She glowered at me, until she couldn't hold the face anymore and started to laugh. I laughed too, partially at my own clumsiness and partially at the fact that she was laughing.

"Are you okay though?" I finally asked, when we made it to our hotel room.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She disappeared into the washroom, coming out wearing a pair of shorts and one of my t-shirts. "I think I'm going to go to bed now, get an early night in," she said, snuggling in under the covers. I joined her like I usually did, holding her close and moving her around until it felt perfect. I looked down at Chelsea; she was already asleep, her breath tickled my neck once in a while. She stirred lightly, moving her hand down to my waist and draping one of her legs over mine. I smiled slightly, as every little thing she did made me fall deeper in love with her.

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