The Only Way

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For contest four in "WattyFallers' Gravity Falls Writing Contests" by @WattyFallers and @EZ-Dayz


"Ford how will we defeat Bill? The journals are gone!" said Dipper, while Bill fought the Shack-tron. 

Ford took Robbie's spray paint can and drew the zodiac on the ground. 

Everyone stepped on to the symbol that matched them. 

"Everyone hold hands!" said Ford. He noticed Stanley wasn't beside him.

"Stanley! We can't do this without you!" yelled Ford. 

"Then say thank you." demanded Stanley. 

"What?" said Ford. 

"You want me to save the world. Say thank you." repeated Stanley. 

"Fine. Thank you for saving me Stanley, and I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier," said Ford. 

Stanley grabbed Ford's hand. Everyone was surrounded in a blue glow. Bill finally defeated the Shack-tron. 

"What! How did you get the zodiac to work?!?" he yelled. 

A blast of blue energy shot from Dipper's pine tree hat. A blast of pink energy came from Mabel's sweater. Red energy from Robbie, baby blue from Gideon, green from Wendy, purple from Pacifica, yellow from Stanley, olive green from Soos, orange from Ford, and silver from McGucket. A huge portal appeared behind Bill. 

"No! No,no,no,no,no!" said Bill as he got sucked in. He grabbed onto a ledge of the Fearamid. 

Dipper let go and ran over to Bill. Mabel joined him. They tried to push Bill into the portal. And succeeded, but Dipper was holding onto the ledge now. 

"Mabel! Help me!" Dipper yelled. 

Bill got an idea. He grabbed Dipper's other arm. Mabel tried to lift Dipper back up, but now SHE was holding onto the ledge. If Mabel let go, she, Dipper, and Bill would fall into the portal. If not, Bill might have a chance to win. 

"Mabel! Hold on!" said Stanley. 

"Mabel, you have to let go. We can't let Bill get out," said Dipper, who sounded strangely calm. 

Once again Mabel found herself in this situation, last time this happened she listened to Stanley and discovered the Author. But, this time who would she listen to? 

"Grunkle Stan, Great Uncle Ford, would you have each other's back and do anything to be together?" she asked. 

"Well, yeah," said Ford, answering for both of them. 

"Well, me and Dipper are the same way." 

Mabel let go of the ledge. All three of them, Mabel, Dipper, and Bill, fell into the portal. 

"You won't win today Bill!" said Mabel and Dipper simultaneously. 

And with that the portal closed up. The Twins, gone. All of the demons and all of Weirdmegaddon got sucked into the rift. Everyone who had seen what just happened was crying. 

"What will we tell their parents?" said Stanley, grieve in his voice.

-----------August 31st-----------

All the townspeople gathered to celebrate and remember the Pines Twins. Everyone was either wearing a pine tree or a shooting star or both, in Soos' case.

"Today is August 31st. It would have been Mabel and Dipper's 13th birthday," said Stanley, "But, Mabel wouldn't want us to mourn today, so instead-"

"We're gonna celebrate them saving the Falls, dude!" said Soos.

Pacifica, Wendy, and Gideon looked through Mabel's scrapbook. McGucket and Soos shared happy memories. There was not one person who couldn't say that Mabel and Dipper were something special. That night everyone saw a shooting star blaze across the sky, a forever reminder that the Pines Twins were watching over them.

To some people, Gravity Falls is strange little town surrounded by a pine forest with frequent shooting star sightings. But, to the people that live there, Gravity Falls is a special town, full of mysteries, and protected by two siblings that might as well save the world again some day.

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