"Him who?" Ahsoka asked.

"Uh, did you bring us here?" Obi-Wan asked, stepping forward himself.

"Only he can help you. There is little time. Follow me. We must have shelter by nightfall," she said before turning around and walking away.

"And we thought the planet was strange. How about this one?" Anakin whispered.

"We'll be fine as long as we stay together," Obi-Wan reassured softly as he looked each of them in the eye. They all then turned to follow after the Daughter. They were walking along the cliff face for a while with Anakin focusing on the Daughter while Ikoe and Obi-Wan looked around at the plants. "Have you noticed the seasons seem to change with the time of day?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Yeah," Anakin agreed while Ikoe nodded her head.

"And there are no animals," Ahsoka observed.

"And you sense it?"

"Mm-hmm, since we arrived," Anakin agreed once more. "The Force is very strong."

"An intersection unlike anything I've ever felt before. Be wary," Obi-Wan said and Ikoe's brow furrowed as she looked at the ground.

"Back when Anakin was asking about us hearing anything...it felt like the Force...or something brushed up to me in a greeting," she whispered softly before glancing at Obi-Wan when he placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Something is happening here, just be cautious," he whispered as they went around another bend.

"Excuse me. Who are you taking us to?" Anakin asked.

"The Father, of course," she replied.

"Of course," Ahsoka and Ikoe said at the same time, earning small smiles from the other.

"And what exactly are you?" Obi-Wan asked, ever curious.

"We are the ones who guard the power. We are the middle, the beginning, and the end," she answered.

"Glad she cleared that up for us," Anakin said softly.

"It was so helpful," Ikoe agreed sagely, earning an aborted laugh from Ahsoka. As they reached a turning point where another mountain sat with another path, the plants all around them started turning orange and brown.

"Hey! Look out!" Anakin called out as the rocks above crumbled and collapsed. He rushed forward and pushed the Daughter out of danger while they rushed backward. Obi-Wan yelled out as his foot got caught on some rock, making him fall over the edge.

"Master!" Ikoe shouted as she threw herself over to where Obi-Wan hung with Ahsoka a second behind her. Together, they pulled him up to safety.

"Thank you," he said.

"You're welcome," Ahsoka replied.

"No problem," Ikoe said. Obi-Wan then pressed his comlink.

"Anakin, are you there?" he asked, looking up at the huge rockfall. "Are you all right?"

"Yeah. But our friend here has run off!" Anakin said, yelling the off as if hoping to get a reaction from the Daughter. "Go back to the ship and try sending another distress call. I'll follow her and find out how to get off this rock."

"And if this is a trap?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Then I'm not gonna wait around to find out," Anakin replied in disbelief that Obi-Wan thought so little of him.

"Anakin, stop. Wait for us to find another way around and meet you," he said but he only got the sound of the line disconnecting in return. "Anakin? So reckless and impatient," he whispered, crossing his arms with a shake of his head.

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