She looked at Marc suspicious. He hadn't entered the room, probably because he didn't want to be near her.

"Where are you sleeping?" She intended to say thank you, but her stubbornness to see him as the monster she knew he was, kept her from saying it. Instead, she asked the first thing that came to her mind, in a tone that could be described as cold and aggressive.

 Marc cleared his throat, somewhat uncomfortable. 

"My room is this one." He pointed to the door in front of her's. 

Callie was expecting to feel fear or repulsion to be near that male. Instead, she felt relieved and that shocked her.

Turning around, she went for her bag.

"You shouldn't have touch my things." She said, kneeling on the floor to grab some clothes to take to the bathroom with her. She wanted to take a shower so her son didn't freak out with her physical state. She knew that she was being a bit bitchy, but she didn't care.

"I didn't. Carla did. Call me if you need anything." With that, she heard the door close and footsteps getting away.

Sighing in relief, she looked at the bed and saw her son's favorite teddy, lying there. He had spend the night here already and she wasn't here to protect him. She cursed herself. What a great mom she was... Almost killing the baby inside of her and leaving her other son unprotected. That would surely give her the worst mother award. 

Telling the truth, she didn't know she was pregnant. She had been living in a state of pure apathy, preparing Alex food and forgetting to eat herself.

Deciding to take a shower first, she went to the bathroom and was surprised to see a large bathtub with too many shampoos and shower-gels to count. She stepped inside and turned the water to run. The warm liquid calmed her, relaxed her even. Picking the first bottle of shampoo that was closer, she started washing her hair. Her hands worked slowly, massaging her scalp with care. She needed to look healthy or her son would be worried. He was a little boy, but the kid was smart. He could catch small lies, even with his eyes closed.

Turning to wash her body, her hands stopped on her belly. For the first time, she noticed the bump that was there and tears rolled down her cheeks. 

Jeffrey... She thought, sadness feeling her heart. "How would I raise a child without you by my side...?" The question was more to herself than to the spirits. More tears appeared and she didn't stopped them now. She could cry, she was alone and the shower would wash it out.

Marc left Callie, the "female Ness" alone in her new room and went downstairs to the kitchen. He was completely unconscious of what he was doing, his hands working fast to prepare a good meal. He grabbed some eggs and cheese and made an omelete. It wasn't for him, it was for Callie. Despite her being a difficult female and the last person he wanted to spend time with, he wanted to make sure that he didn't fail his mission to take care of her. Making some orange juice, he put everything in a tray. He didn't want to go upstairs and give her the food. She would think that it was poisoned and wouldn't eat. Deciding it would be best if it was Luke taking it, he mind-linked his friend.

The male didn't take long to enter the kitchen and after Marc's explanation, he just grabbed the tray and went upstairs. Marc sighed and looked at the time. It was almost noon and Alex would leave the kindergarten soon. Debating if he should go pick him himself or ask Luke to do it for him, Marc went to the foyer and looked at the stairs. Callie wasn't in a good condition to go pick the boy and Luke was already doing him a big favor, so he went outside and walked to the kindergarten.

Meanwhile, Callie had gotten out of the shower and was drying her hair with one small towel that was in the bathroom. She heard a knock on the door and she stopped what she was doing. Smelling the air, she detected that it was a male outside. Checking if the towel around her body was in place, she strode to the door, opening it a bit.

Luke, she recognized him immediately, was with a tray in his hands.

"Thank god is not him." She let it out in a sigh, opening the door completely.

"I brought you some food." He said, putting the tray on the desk beside the window.

Luke couldn't stop himself from speaking, so before he left, he looked at her in the eyes.

"He is not a bad male. If he was, he wouldn't care a shit if you died or not." He said, before closing the door behind him.

Callie just stared at the door without words. He had a point, but she didn't want to dwell on that. Jeffrey didn't like his brother and he had told her why. Since she knew what it was to not have her parents around, she understood his reasons for his hate toward his brother. He had killed them, people that loved him and that made him a monster.

Looking at the tray, Callie's stomach growled in hungry and she decided to eat it after all. Not because she wanted to live, but because her sons deserved to have a mother. 

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