Day 16

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The room is dim except for the small amounts of early morning sunlight peeking through the curtains, the light reflecting off the broken shards of glass and casting strange shapes on the dark walls that shift locations as the glass is moved around.

In the middle of the glass is Ethan.

He does not know why he has not disposed of the glass yet, of the evidence that proves his insanity and instability. As he sits amongst the shards, idly flipping a piece of glass in his palm, he thinks back to the night he lost control.

It's a scary thought, he muses as he holds the broken shard with two fingers. It is shaped almost like a star, five crudely broken edges forming the points. The glass still reeks of the floral perfume, sickeningly sweet and nauseating. Although it had been pleasant at first, the longer Ethan sits among the glass, the more it makes him want to let go.

Letting go. Ethan wants it, yet fears it at the same time. After all, it is all he can do to keep away the demons. It's hard enough when he's awake, but when he's not in control? He can almost hear the demons' voices in his head, mocking him.

You're weak.

Stop hiding.

You're not the star everyone thinks you are.

You're a coward.

He closes his hand tightly, the star digging into his skin. From the corner of his eye he can see a bead of blood drop from his fist, staining the wooden floor. As he watches, the bead spreads and forms petals, blooming outward as it grows bigger.

He angrily shoves the rest of the shards to the side, not bothering to dispose of it properly. After all, what will he say if Amy or Calypso discovers the remains by chance? It is something he refuses to think about, as he cannot bear to make up an excuse.

Getting up, he kicks the rest of the glass over to the wall, ignoring the sound of a stray piece shattering underneath his shoe. It now looks like sugar, crystal-like and sweet; harmless. However, Ethan knows it is anything but.

Ethan pauses to stare down at the tiny particles. Perhaps it is more like salt? After all, nothing evil can be so sweet, right? As a shiver crawls down his spine, Ethan hurries to the window, suddenly eager for some sunlight.

He throws the curtains open, allowing the light to pour in. He has been in his room longer than he thought, the sun now higher up in the sky. Outside, leaves loosen from the wind and ride the current, trails of sunset adding color to the brown landscape.

Another autumn morning.

Ethan also opens the window, breathing in the crisp air and allowing it to air out the sweet scent, purging the room from its sticky grasp. He allows himself a grin. Much better.

Once that is done and over with, Ethan exits the room, making sure to close the door firmly. Even though it is Amy's job to house-keep and keep everything clean, Ethan has requested the servant to stay out of his room. He remembers her baffled look and stifles a chuckle, his dark mood completely lifted.

All is well again.

He goes down the hall toward the kitchen, from which he can hear sizzling and someone humming. A few seconds later he can hear something toppling over, then a sigh of relief. Peeking through the doorway, he can see Amy pushing a bowl of batter back onto the counter with one hand and pouring juice into tall glasses with the other.

Sometimes Ethan marvels at Amy's ability to set things right again. Other times he just accepts the fact that that is simply how Amy is. He quietly stands behind her as she sets down the pitcher of juice and begins pouring the batter into the frying pan, making pancakes.

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