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Her eyes haunt your dreams.

Every night you imagine her eyes, bright blue and light, and you curse yourself. Why do you do this to yourself? It is not your habit to grow attached to things you must release eventually. However, you cannot help it. Whenever she smiles at you, your heart throbs.

You do not know if it aches out of pleasure or pain.

As you toss and roll in bed, you groan in frustration. You cannot sleep. You stare at the ceiling as you listen to the distant sound of wind, the breezes whipping snowflakes through your open window. The repetition almost lulls you to sleep, but you snap back awake when you hear the soft singing.

You cannot tell what the song is about, but it is calming and makes you feel as light as air, your body feeling as if it might start floating any second now.

You get up from bed and open the curtains, beams of moonlight showering in and bathing the room with a silvery light, the silhouettes of the snowflakes dancing across the darkness of the room. You watch the shadow of the girl as she walks through the neat rows of her flowers. Although she also has a vegetable garden, it is obvious she cares more for the petal plants. They are beginning to bud again with the approach of March, poking through the snow.

She is washed in silver as she stands in the open, her golden hair becoming white. Her eyes are closed, but when she opens them again, they are glowing like the ocean at night, twinkling like the stars above. Wearing nothing more than a dress with a shawl, she seems unaffected by the cold.

However hard you try, you cannot keep your eyes off of her.

Although you know you must leave eventually, it becomes harder to do so day by day, night by night.

You observe as she lovingly tends to each and every flower, singing sweetly to them as she gives them a nighttime watering, the plants dripping water. They look as if they are shedding stars, stars that have fallen from the sky. Combined with the snow, the scene seems straight from a dream.

As she pauses and wipes her forehead, her eyes land on you. She gives you a sweet smile, never ceasing her song. As she turns, you slide to the ground.

You cannot tell who is caged, her or yourself.

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