I Can't Be Satisfied

Start from the beginning

I finished up and put my own clothes on. It really felt better wearing my own clothes than Brian's, not that something was wrong with his things. It just seemed odd to me. I didn't even like wearing Mary's clothes and I knew her and Brian was still a stranger to me. Even though we actually experienced a lot the last 24 hours. I sighed. He probably was right too with the bit about me getting used to him. I had only known him high and not in the right mind, but now he was somewhat sober and different. I needed to adjust to that and even if that meant sleeping in his bed... Yesterday I had done the same, well I didn't really had a say in that matter, but anyway I had survived this. I could do it a second time. I mean he wouldn't keep me here forever and it was just a small thing.

I took a deep breath and entered his bedroom. He was laying in the bed and reading some book, but closed it when I entered and looked a bit surprised. He had probably doubted that I would turn up again. Well I would have. "I didn't believe you would actually come..."

"As long as you don't try anything funny, I'll stay... And I don't know where your guest bedroom is..."

He smiled. "Promise." He then put his book away and gestured me to get in to the bed next to him and I just did, but with some distance between us. He laughed and I glared at him. "You're like the first person I ever invited to bed who tried to stay as far as possible away from me..."

I rolled my eyes. "That's nothing personal if that's a comfort for you..."

"Yeah yeah I get it now. You don't like people touching you." He said as he grabbed my arm. The vision was different from the others. He was fighting with somebody I couldn't recognise, but it was definitely a man. He pushed him hard. Brian hit his head on something and then darkness. The rest was the usual. Water. Suffocating. Death. 03071969. The vision had changed again, but what did that mean? The date was still the same as the first one, but he didn't have a head injury then. What was going on?

The first thing I remarked when I got out of the vision was Brian, he was looking at me questioning and his eyes still as sad as ever. "What did it say now?"

"It... I don't understand." I stuttered. I really didn't know what was going on, if I didn't what could I possibly tell him. "It was different, but the date... it's the same as before."

He sighed and looked away. "That means I'm still going to die in a year?"

"I- I don't know... This is... It makes no sense... In the first it was an accident or a "Suicide I wanted to say, but I didn't know if that was a good idea. Brian looked at me awaiting, probably wanting me to finish my sentence. I sighed. "I don't know, but this time it was well... I wouldn't say murder, but you know..."

"Somebody killed me?" I nodded. "Did you see who?"

I shook my head. "Even if I did, I don't know if it would be a good idea to tell you..."He looked crestfallen and I really felt bad for him. I had given him some hope only to take it away in the cruellest way possible. "Maybe it will change again..."I tried, but Brian didn't seem to react. He was looking so out of it that I doubted that he had even heard me. "Brian?" I tried again and this time he looked up. I probably would have jumped out of bed if he wasn't still holding me. He looked furious.

"You're a liar!" He yelled. "Get the fuck out!" I didn't react, I was still too surprised. That's when he pushed me out of bed and I fell to the ground with a thud. "Get away from me!" He screamed.

I wanted to say something, but I doubted he would listen. He was too enraged. I sighed, got up, grabbed my things and left him alone in his bedroom. I decided to call Mary, she would probably give me a lift if she was at home, but before I had dialled the number I stopped. What was I supposed to tell her? Brian got angry and threw me out? I would never live that down...especially since I had left the small detail out that I was staying at his. I sighed. I better just call a cab and went on... There was just the problem that I had no money and I doubted Brian would lend me some. Then it hit me, whom I could call and who wouldn't ask too many questions. Keith! I just hoped he was home. I dialled the number and waited for somebody to pick up. I nearly lost hope until I heard a 'Hello?'

Out of Time [Brian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now