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.:First Person | Cass:.

I bounced my leg nervously as I sipped my coffee, the inviting smell of the café doing nothing to cure my anxiety.

'We did agree to meet at this place at this time, right?' I thought to myself. 'What if I have it all wrong? Or what if this guy is the creepiest of the creeps I've met so far? Or what if-'

I shake my head, trying to clear my worried thoughts. I gaze outside the window next to where I'm seated, watching the normally dry California streets become rain soaked and slippery. I continue to sip my drink, lazily watching raindrops trickle down the glass before me.

The sound of the bell above the café door breaks me from my trance. A boy with shaggy brown hair enters the coffee shop and looks around, appearing to be searching for someone. This must be my guy.

He turns my way and we lock eyes. I give him a nervous smile and gesture for him to come over. He returns the smile and makes his way towards me as I stand to greet him.

"Hi there, you must be Cassandra?" He says, extending his arm to shake hands.

"I am, you can call me Cass, though. I'm assuming you're Brendon?" I say as I take his hand and shake it lightly.

"Yep, that's me!" Brendon says warmly, releasing my hand from his grip. "Shall we sit and get this show on the road?"

I chuckle and nod, reclaiming my seat. He pulls out the chair across from me and takes a seat as well, giving me another smile.

"Oh, by the way Cass, I like your hair." He complimented me. My hand went up to my dark green faux hawk as a timid blush spread across my cheeks. I wasn't used to compliments.

"Th-thanks, I just cut and dyed it recently. Anyways, Brendon, tell me about yourself." I say. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but something about him seemed...familiar.

"Well, I'm 21. I originally lived in Vegas but moved out here and lived with a buddy of mine while we worked on our album. Oh yeah! I also sing and play guitar in a band, we tour a bit so I won't always be around." He said enthusiastically. The more he spoke, the more familiar he seemed. "Two of our members left recently, including the guy I lived with, so I kinda need a new place to crash."

"What's the name of your band?" I ask curiously. My parents never really let me listen to music, they said it was all just noise.

"Panic! At The Disco. We're kind of on the rise." He said, a glimmer of pride in his eyes. "Ever heard of us?"

"It sounds...vaguely familiar." I said, squinting my eyes and straining for a memory. I know I'd heard that name a long time ago. An idea as to where popped in my head.

"Say said you used to live in Vegas?" I questioned him.

"Mhm." He said, nodding.

"What high school did you go to?"

"Palo Verde, why?" He responded, confused.

Suddenly, it all clicked. I slammed my hand down on the counter excitedly, making Brendon jump.

"Brendon freakin' Urie! I can't believe I didn't recognize you at first! I went to Palo Verde too! Cass Warren, we had a couple of classes together senior year!" I say, a wide grin plastered across my face.

"Cass Warren..." He repeats. After a minute, recognition finally spread across his face. "Cass Warren! I didn't recognized you without the long brown hair and thick glasses! You were always so quiet, but whenever you did speak, I remember it always being something witty and funny." A dorky grin was now spread across his face as well.

We spent the next hour talking and laughing about memories of our old high school and how we've been since graduation.

"Ryan and Jon left your band? Why?" I asked him. I remember Ryan and Spencer a bit from school, Jon was a new name to me, but I didn't question about him.

Brendon blew a out sigh, sadness seeming to play at his features.

"A difference in opinion on how we wanted to continue as a band. They wanted to follow a more 'Pretty Odd' route while Spence and I wanted to go back to a more 'Fever' sound."

"Um...I'm going to pretend I understand what that means?" I say, completely lost with the sentence he just said.

"You really haven't heard any of our stuff?" Brendon asked, sticking out his bottom lip in mock sadness.

"Nope." I say. "I guess you'll just have to show me some of your work after you're all moved into my place."

"You mean I get the room?" He says, a shocked but delighted expression on his face.

I laugh, amused by his eagerness. "Yes, you get the room."

Brendon jumps up out of his seat and yanks me out of mine, pulling me into a bone crushing bear hug.

"Thank you, Cassie!" He says in a sing songy voice.

"If you call me Cassie again, I'll kick your ass out of my place so fast your head will spin." I groan.

He released me from the hug and laughed, an evil grin playing at his lips.

"Whatever you say, Cassie."

I punch his arm lightly and give him a playful grin.

I decided I liked Brendon a lot.

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